Half marathon training really kicked in this week.  After weeks of running 3-4 miles, 4-5 times a week to build my ‘base’, I started stepping it up with distance and speedwork.  If you care absolutely nothing about running, and don’t want to read about my training, go here and watch this video instead:

Hello again to the two of you who stayed with me! 🙂
This week’s runs were a mixture of good and bad.  It went a little like this:
Tuesday: I ran 2 miles at an 8:20 pace, and then tacked on 5 all-out sprints of about 30 meters (or right around 100 feet).
Wednesday:  4 miles at an average pace of 8:28.  Mile splits were 9:26, 8:50, 8:36, and 7:52.  I may not be super fast, but I am mastering those negative splits 🙂
Friday: Before I talk about my workout, I feel the need to point out that I got the flu shot on Wednesday afternoon.  NEVER again.  I felt like poop all day Thursday and Friday–aches, muscle soreness, upset stomach.  So understandably, while Friday’s run may look good on paper, it was anything but good.  Half a mile in, I was struggling for air.  I hurt everywhere–shoulders, back, hips.  This was probably a run I should have just stopped, but a quitter I am not.  In spite of all that, I finished a 5K (3.1 miles for you non-runners) in 25:58.  Not too shabby of a run, considering I was on the verge of death.
Sunday:  The moment of truth.  Up until today, I had only put in one 5 miler and it killed me.  For some reason, I feel like if I could run 6, reasonably well, I would be able to do this whole half-marathon thing.  And I owned it.  (<–I can say that, it’s my blog.  I can brag a little if I want too!)  6 miles (with quite a few hills) in 51:20.  That’s an average pace of 8:32 per mile.  And in case you care, the mile splits looked like this:
1 mile- 9:26
2 miles- 8:45
3 miles- 8:20
4 miles- 8:08
5 miles- 8:51
6 miles- 7:40
I hit the metaphorical ‘wall’ at 5 miles.  I always run on an empty stomach, and plan to do that for the half.  However, I will be ‘fueling’ during the real run and plan to start that on my training runs to see what works best for me.  The great thing about these empty-stomach training runs is that I can really tell where I’ll need to fuel.  Enter mile 5 of Sundays run.  =)
Next week’s training steps it up even more, with a little cross-training thrown in for good measure.  The awesome thing about fall is that it is running SEASON!  I have several races on the calendar that I am super excited about and can’t wait to share with you!
PS:  If you are in the area, I’m really looking for more running buddies.  Even if you can only hang for 2 or 3 miles of my long run, I’d love to have you! 🙂
Total miles this week:  15.6
Total smiley faces in this post:  4