Toray, the company who puts on this race, is our partner in education at school.  This was my initial reason for running the race 4 years ago.  I have continued to run it and it is definitely one of my favorites!  The course is relatively flat and through a nice neighborhood.  Plus, lots of my school people are there to cheer me on 🙂

I got to the race course around 7 a.m.  The race wasn’t scheduled to begin until 8 a.m., but I was signed up to help with registration and “stuff”.

The gun went off right at 8 a.m.  I ALWAYS start out way too fast, so I tried my hardest to slow myself down just a little.  Dang if I didn’t want to keep up with those 16 year old cross country kids though! =)  I definitely started out too fast anyways, and burned out toward the end.  I was lead female until about 2.5 miles, and I really wanted to hold that position, but I had no get-up-and-go left.  (PART of my problem could have been the fact that I ate nothing for breakfast.  Not smart, I know.)

I finished with a time of 24:34, which is still a personal best for me.  24th runner overall (out of around 100), 2nd female finisher overall, and 1st in my age group.  I really can’t complain, but I could definitely KICK myself for not pushing myself harder and being 1st female overall.  (I’m a little competitive like that!)

My friend Tina ran this morning, and it was her first 5K.  Tina had gastric bypass surgery and has lost almost 100 pounds.  She is super dedicated to eating healthy, exercising, and keeping her health on track.  I am so proud of and inspired by her! (She is second from the left in this photo.  That’s me, second from the right.)