Life With: Anna Hodges

Hey guys! Today I want you to meet my sweet friend, Anna Hodges.  Anna and I have been friends for years and years and I adore her and her precious family.  I know that you will, too!

Welcome, Anna!

Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a wife and mom of two boys.  We live on a small farm in the country.  One of my life verses is 1 Thessalonians 4:11 which says, “make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands.”  I try to live that verse out as best I can.

Share your testimony.
I became a Christian when I was 12 years old.  Like most believers, there have been ups and downs—times when I walked closely with the Lord and times when I didn’t.  If I had to boil my testimony down to a few short sentences, I would simply share that it’s never too late for God to do a work in anyone’s life.  No matter how far you’ve strayed or how badly you’ve messed up, God still longs for a relationship with you.  The more you run from Him or try to push Him away, the tighter He holds on to you.  As my dear friend Rev. Michael Mason says, “Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to see that He IS the rock at the bottom.”  Can I get an “amen”!?!?  I’ve been there, and so have many others…there is HOPE, there is JOY, there is PEACE available to anyone who wants to give it all over to the Lord and let Him take control.

You’ve recently become a stay-at-home mom.  Is this something you’ve always dreamed of doing?  What events/circumstances led to you making this decision?
About 6 years ago, my husband and I started homesteading—partly as a hobby and partly because we wanted to know more about where our food was coming from.  As our homestead grew and turned into an actual business, it became more than we could handle well with both of us working full-time.  I loved the idea of exiting the “rat-race” and ridding myself of all the stress that comes with it, so last winter, we decided that I would quit my job as a teacher and tend to the farm.  It’s been scary giving up part of our income, but it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.

What practical advice do you have for someone who is considering quitting their job, either to stay home or follow some other dream?
1. Be attuned to the Holy Spirit. Not every good opportunity is a God opportunity. If you’re just following your heart or emotions, it likely won’t work out well in the end.
2. Weigh all the consequences, both good and bad, of making the leap. Consider the consequences for your spouse and children as well.
3. Once a decision is made with Godly discernment, don’t second-guess it. Embrace the new opportunity (even the challenges that may come as a result).

What is something you are passionate about?
I volunteer each week at Refuge of Grace women’s ministry.  Refuge of Grace is a jail ministry and residential program for women who have experienced crisis but are ready to be restored and transformed through the love of Jesus Christ.  It’s an incredible ministry that is so dear to my heart.

Life is so busy these days–how do you recharge?
Life has really slowed down for me since becoming a stay-at-home mom/farmer.  But my husband and I still don’t have a lot of “us only” time.  We’ve started being very intentional about making time for that, even if it’s just for an hour or two.  We plan lunch dates or drop the boys off at Nana’s for an hour so we can go for a walk.  Even if you’re working full-time and running here and there with the kids, you’ve GOT to prioritize time with your mate.  If there’s not unity in your marriage, everything else is likely to all apart.

Tell us three things you are loving (books, tv shows, products, etc.).

1. Alan Bradley’s Flavia de Luce book series.  They’re fun and easy reads.
2. Following TSA on Instagram.  It is HILARIOUS to see what crazy things people try to get on airplanes.

3. WordBrain game app.  It is incredibly challenging but quite addictive.  (I justify playing this game by claiming it’s an Alzheimer’s preventative.)

“Not every good opportunity is a God opportunity.”  <–That is some great wisdom!  

Thank you, Anna, for sharing your life with us!  My favorite part of Anna’s story is that she had a dream–to stay home, work the farm business, and volunteer her time for God’s glory with the Refuge House–and she stepped out in faith.  That’s great encouragement for the rest of us!

Benefits of an Acne Facial | Elamar Skin Science

acne facial

acne facial

This blog post is part of a series in partnership with Elamar Skin Science. All services and products were complimentary but all opinions and experiences are my own.

I have struggled with acne for the past several years.  (Apparently, it is not just something you have to deal with during those hormonal teen years.  <-insert eye roll here!)  I have some cystic acne, but mostly it’s lots of whiteheads just under the skin.  When the sweet ladies at Elamar Skin Science recommended an acne facial, I jumped at the offer!

During an acne facial, the esthetician focuses on deep-pore and deep-tissue cleansing methods to rid the skin of dirt.  Acne facials also help stimulate circulation, which improves the overall appearance of the skin.

An acne facial is nothing like the relaxing facials I’ve had in the past.  (It was the opposite of the hot rock massage from a few weeks ago!)  The first thing my esthetician did was cleanse my face and apply a 10% salicylic acid solution.  Honest talk:  The salicylic acid burned like fire for about 15 seconds, but then it gradually went away.  Salicylic acid is used to break up acne but it is also an amazing exfoliator.

The esthetician then steamed my skin for a solid 10 minutes.  This helped open up the rest of my pores for the extractions.  During the extractions, the esthetician used a combination of gloved fingers and a medical needle to remove the debris from my pores.  I could feel the gunk popping out of the pores and every now and then, she would stop and show me what had been removed.  It was completely gross, but I was weirdly intrigued.  I loved knowing that my pores were clean!

As soon as all the extractions were completed, the esthetician placed a sulfur mask on my face to further cleanse and open up the pores.  She then applied a calming lotion to help reduce redness (and there was a lot of redness!)

After the facial, my face felt really tight and squeaky-clean.  Over the next few days, my skin peeled slightly, but remained blemish free.  It has now been a full week and my skin looks so much better.  The dead skin peeled off, leaving my skin fresh and smooth, and all those tiny bumps under the skin are completely gone!

I am now a huge fan of the acne facial.  I plan to go back as often as is necessary to keep my face looking clear like this.  (They recommend you go back for an acne facial once per month until your acne is completely under control.)  If you are someone like me who struggles with acne, I thoroughly recommend an acne facial.  And even more, I recommend the sweet ladies at Elamar Skin Science of Decatur. =)

What I Read: February 2017

what I read February 2017

what I read February 2017Well guys, this month’s reading definitely made up for last months lackluster choices.  Six books, six top-notch ratings.  Many different genres, so if you are looking for something new to read, just take your pick 🙂

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.  Shopping these links will contribute a few extra pennies to my reading fund at no extra cost to you.  As always, I appreciate your support of OAL.

What I Read:

Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley.  First of all, what’s not to love about a gorgeous pink and gold book?  Buy this book and buy the actual, physical copy of it.  Because as good as it is to read, it is equally as good to look at.  Emily’s focus throughout this entire book is on building an intentionally slower rhythm of life, which I love.  The Stars:  5/5

Gods In Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson. Southern fiction is one of my most favorite genres to read, and Joshilyn Jackson did not disappoint me.  As a matter of fact, I’ve already picked out several other titles by her and added them to my reading list.  “Gods In Alabama” has it all:  murder, love, southern vocabulary and traditions–it made my Southern loving heart happy!  The Stars:  5/5

Good As Gone by Amy Gentry.  This book reminded me of “Gone Girl” and “Girl On The Train”–it kept me guessing and threw me for quite a loop at the end.  It stirred my mama heart in the same way that “What She Knew” did last month, and as great a story as it was, I think I need to stay away from this type of book for a while!  The Stars:  5/5

You Are Free:  Be Who You Already Are by Rebekah Lyons. In this second book of Rebekah’s, she challenges us to live a life of freedom.  We are not free to do whatever we want to do without consequences, but we are free to live the abundant life that God has planned for us.  The Stars:  5/5

Change Your Home, Change Your Life With Color:  What’s Your Color Story?  by Moll Anderson.  I was so excited when I was given the opportunity to be on launch team for this book.  It doesn’t release until March 14, but you can pre-order it now!  In this title, Moll introduces a new way of thinking about color and design, and how the two can affect your mood.  I really enjoyed reading through this as I am planning the decor of our forever farmhouse! The Stars:  5/5

The Education of Ivy Blake by Ellen Airgood.  This book simultaneously broke and encouraged my mama heart.  Justin and I have talked for years about doing foster care, and this book was a kick in the pants.  If you’ve ever considered taking a child in, even just for a little while, this is a book for you.  I hope and pray that my home is one like the Evers’ home, a safe haven and favorite place for all who enter.  The Stars:  5/5

Any suggestions as to what I should read next?  Leave those titles in the comments!

2017 Reading Recap:
Total number of books in February: six
Number of fiction books in February: three
Number of nonfiction books in February: three
Total number of books this year: ten

What I Learned in 2017, Part 1

what i learned

Linking up with Emily P. Freeman today for a quarterly What I Learned series.  Click over to her page for tons of inspiration and wisdom!  PS:  Affiliate links are used in this posts.  As always, I appreciate your support of OAL.

what i learnedIn my new bullet journal, I have a page dedicated to keeping track of what I learned each month.  It was so fun to go back and look at what I had written for January and February!!

What I Learned in 2017, Part 1:

1. Apparently, God has been pushing me toward slow lately.  I ordered Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner because it continued to pop-up in my Amazon feed.  Everywhere I have looked and everything I have read have pointed me towards slowing down and resting my soul.  Two quotes I highlighted, underlined, and copied down in bold in my bullet journal:

what I learned 2017, emily p. freeman

what i learned

2. “You may be given a cactus but you don’t have to sit on it.”  I have been super fortunate to be on several book launch teams lately, and Moll Anderson’s Change Your Home, Change Your Life With Color was one of my favorites.  It was especially timely as I am preparing to decorate our forever farmhouse very, very soon.  This quote made me giggle:

what i learnedI love this reminder that we all face negative circumstances, but it’s our attitude about those circumstances that makes all the difference!

3. Bullet journaling works better when I do it my way instead of Pinterest’s way.  I haven’t journaled every single day but I have been able to journal 3-4 times a week and that is success in my book!

4. The more I study my Bible, the more I want to study my Bible.  The She Reads Truth Lent study begins today and I hope every single one of you join in.  (And if you do, let me know!!)

5. If you are scrolling on your iPhone and want to go to the top, tap the time.  I don’t know how I didn’t know this, but I didn’t.  I always swipe and swipe until I get to the top, but not anymore!

So that’s what I learned–I would love to know what YOU have learned lately.  Share with me in the comments!

Forever Farmhouse Friday Update No. 7

farmhouse update

farmhouse updateHappy Friday, friends! I am SO very ready for the weekend! Justin took off from his real job this week to work on the house and he was able to get a lot accomplished! Yay for that!  So, let’s get on with the 7th edition of our forever farmhouse update!

farmhouse updateAll the wall painting is complete. (I say wall painting because after all the trim is installed, it will have to be caulked and re-painted.) I will do a whole-house paint color post after we get settled, but most of our house is painted Gray Owl by Benjamin Moore, at half-tint. This picture is a (low-quality) image of Jase’s bedroom.

farmhouse updateKyndall wanted a bright blue for her bedroom. You can’t tell, but we used Valspar Paint Flakes on one of her walls in an attempt to make it a glitter wall. It was a flop, but not so much that we have to repaint anything. It’s just not quite the glitter look we were going for.

farmhouse updateLibby requested purple walls. We made the same sad attempt at a glitter wall in here and if you tilt your head juuuussst right, you might can spot some specks of glitter. Maybe.

farmhouse updateThe tile in the girls’ bathroom is down, but not grouted. They have a Jack-and-Jill layout in their bathroom, so the toilet and tub areas are both separate but they share the vanity space.

farmhouse updateThe tile in Jase’s bathroom is down, but not grouted.

farmhouse updateOur tile in the master shower is mostly installed, with the exception of just a few ceiling pieces. It still needs to be grouted, too.

farmhouse updateOur master bathroom floor tile is also down, but not grouted.  Justin and my dad are moving right along with our trim. For the windows, I wanted a super simple craftsman trim look.  You can catch a glimpse of the window trim in the above photo.

farmhouse updateWe are doing the “poor man’s trim” method to make our crown molding look bigger.  We nailed in a regular piece of crown molding at the top, skipped about 3 inches of wall space, and nailed in a smaller piece of crown.  We then painted the entire section to resemble one piece of extremely thick crown molding.  That’s coming along nicely.

This weekend, we are hoping to get the rest of the crown molding installed and start on the flooring! It’s so hard to nail down an official completion date because Justin and my dad are doing all this work in the evenings, after their “real” jobs.  Some days they get lots of time and work in and some days they have other tasks to tend to.  Right now, we are shooting for the end of March.  Fingers crossed we have lots of productive days over the next few weeks!

Disclaimer:  By “we” in the above post, I mostly mean Justin and my dad.  They are the real work-horses on this house project.  I am the chief design decision maker and wall switch plate installer and house cleaner.  They do every single other thing.  

Also, Justin’s dad and my Papa have been a huge help, and our brother-in-law Luke is coming this weekend to help tackle the flooring!

Our running to-do list:

  • Clear land. completed August 25, 2016
  • Pour footer. completed August 30, 2016
  • First plumbing and electrical rough-in. completed September 7, 2016
  • Pour slab. completed September 10, 2016
  • Framing. started October 3 and completed October 20, 2016
  • Roofing. completed October 30, 2016
  • Second plumbing rough-in. completed November 11, 2016
  • HVAC rough-in. completed November 17, 2016
  • Brick skirt and steps. completed November 18, 2016
  • Vinyl siding. near completion.
  • Electrical. completed December 5, 2016
  • Hang insulation. completed December 15, 2016
  • Shutters.
  • Install and finish sheetrock.  completed January 13, 2017
  • Install crown molding and window trim. in progress
  • Tile shower.
  • Paint. completed February 7, 2017
  • Install lights. partially completed–all our can lights are in, but nothing else.
  • Floors. in progress.
  • Install flooring trim.
  • Install stair and balcony railing.
  • Cabinets.
  • Clean.
  • Move in.
  • Host all-the-things. =)

If you’ve been keeping up with these posts, you may notice that I added a few things to our running list.  I had neglected to add smaller tasks such as installing trim and stair railings.  I have added those tasks to show a more realistic picture of what we have left to complete.

What’s-Up Wednesday

She Reads Truth

Ok so I admit “What’s Up Wednesday” is a completely cheesy title, but I wanted to go with something like Thursday Thoughts, only today is not Thursday. In other words, today’s post is completely random and I am simply sharing what’s on my brain. Enjoy! =)

Libby is sick, AGAIN. She has had strep throat four times since October. This most recent time, I took her to the doctor for a bad cough (that she has been battling for over a month.) Turns out, she has that barking cough because her TONSILS ARE OBSTRUCTING HER AIRWAY. What a great Mom I am, right?

She goes for a sleep study next week and we are most likely looking at a tonsillectomy in her near future. I just want my baby girl to feel better!

My children have commandeered the closet under the stairs in our new house as their battle station.  Which is funny, considering they all have their own bedrooms plus a bonus room to play in.  Actually, I just love that they play together like this–they can imagine and play and entertain themselves for HOURS and it makes my heart so happy!

We still haven’t nailed down an official completion date for the house, but we are definitely getting closer and closer.  Justin took off work this week to try and get a lot finished.  I’ll give you a complete house update on Friday, but I just love this picture of him and my daddy on the scaffold hanging our crown molding.

She Reads Truth
Photo courtesy of She Reads Truth

I am a long-time fan of She Reads Truth for my bible study.  On February 27, they are beginning their annual Lent study and I am oh-so-excited.  She Reads Truth publishes three main studies each year–Advent, Lent, and a summer study.  They share smaller studies in between these larger ones, but it’s the “big ones” that I always look forward to because I learn so much.

This year’s Lent study is a journey through the book of Isaiah.  As always, you can purchase the study book from the website if you so choose.  The books are gorgeous, but I usually pass on that purchase.  I love the She Reads Truth app–it puts each days’ scripture and devotion right at your fingertips.  I keep a mini binder with all my bible study and sermon notes, so I just record anything I want to remember from the devotion in my binder.

Now it’s your turn:  What’s up with you??

Five On Friday 005

Five on Friday used to be a semi-regular thing I participated in, but I’ve let it fall by the wayside. I’m picking it back up so that I can give you a quick, what’s-going-on glimpse into our very hectic life.

Five on Friday

one. I am not usually a fan of homework crafts, but Libby and I had so much fun working on her Valentine’s box.  The theme was “at the movies” and she wanted to make her box the elephant from the new movie, Sing.  I think it turned out super cute (and she won first place in her class’s contest!).Five on Friday

two. Jase has been so loving lately.  He wants to kiss me all the time, and then he wants the girls to give me kisses.  I am so thankful Mallory snapped this photo at lunch the other day–my whole heart in one picture!Five on Friday

three. He’s going to be sooo mad at me for this one day, isn’t he?  Jase is really interested in using the bathroom lately.  We have a long weekend coming up for President’s Day, and I’m going to take that time to “attempt” to potty train.  Wish me luck!Five on Friday

four. These girls.  We did life together daily from middle school until graduation.  We don’t get together nearly as much as we would like (about every three or four years!), but when we do, it’s like we never left off.  We had so much fun reminiscing and laughing and catching up over dinner the other night.

Five On Friday

five.  I am so blessed to get to work with these crazy ladies.  Our sweet friend Lisa and her family came home from China late last night with their newly adopted baby girl.  On her gotcha day, several of us at school wore our “1-less” shirts in celebration of the world having 1 less orphan.  I am so excited and proud for the Terry family and can’t wait to see what God has in store for all of them!

extra.  Gangsta Baby =)  Jase loves playing on Snapchat with Mal-Mal, and I just had to share this video.  Check out those dance moves!

You can see previous Five on Friday posts here!

Stitch Fix #3, Spring 2017

Stitch Fix spring

Last week, I received my third fix from Stitch Fix.  {Quick recap:  my first fix was amazing and my second fix was a big let-down.}  I filled out the style profile again, just to make sure my sizes and preferences were correct.  At the bottom of my style profile, I included a note requesting “boho-style tops and tunics for Spring.”

You see,  I had an exact idea of what I wanted to be included in this fix.  I was hoping for five super cute tops (or tunics!) that I could wear from March to May here in the south.  Maybe that is where the problem lies–I am being to specific in my requests.  Stitch Fix #3 was returned  exactly the way it came–with all five items.

My Spring 2017 Stitch Fix

Stitch Fix spring

Adrianna Longsleeve Knit Cardigan by 41 Hawthorn.  $38.00

This was my favorite piece from this fix.  I would have (and maybe should have) kept it, but I was really hoping for some Spring pieces.  Spring in Alabama is warm, so I’m thinking quarter-length sleeves or short-sleeve, light weight sweaters.  While this cardigan would be perfect for Fall/Winter, it just wasn’t what I requested in my fix.

stitch fix spring

Sawyer Space Dye Dolman Sleeve Knit Top by Market & Spruce.  $58.00

This top was OK, it just wasn’t my favorite.  Again, I feel like I had a certain vibe I had asked for with this fix, and this top just didn’t fit that vibe.

stitch fix spring

Dinah Open Front Cardigan by Staccato.  $48.00

Hello….. Spring?  I loved this top and if I were needing new things for winter it would have definitely made the list, but that ‘s just not what I asked for this go-around.

stitch fix spring

Biscay Knit Tee by Amour Vert. $44.00

Of all the pieces in this fix, this top was the most “Spring-iest”.  It fit well and I loved the color, but I just wasn’t willing to pay this amount for a t-shirt.

stitch fix spring

Harvey Multi-Stripe Infinity Scarf by Octavia.  $28.00

So obviously, I am not sure what to even do with a scarf.  I never wear them because they suffocate me, which is why I specifically checked not to receive them in my fix.

Verdict:  Five items sent/ five items returned.  I am very thankful that the styling fee was waived for this fix.  If I had paid the $25, I think I would have been much more frustrated.  As it was, I am not “out” anything except my time!  And it’s always fun to try on new clothes!

Life With: Allison Wright

Life With Allison Wright

Hey guys! Today I want you to meet my friend, Allison Wright.  Allison is kicking off a new blog series for us here titled “Life With.”  It’s an interview-of-sorts, meant to give you inspiration and .  I met Allison several years ago when we were in a Sunday School class.  She is one of those people that you just instantly like.  Later, when I heard her testimony, I was inspired.  I know you’ll feel the same!  Welcome, Allison!

Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a 36 year-old mother of two beautiful girls, ages 3 and almost 11 (I have a Valentine’s baby!) I work as an Administrative Assistant at the Mental Health Center and have been married to my husband Clint, who must be the most patient man on earth, for 7 1/2 years.

Share your testimony.
My parents had been praying for a baby for 15 years and had been told by doctors that it would never happen. They had all but given up when mom asked God, if he thought she’d be a good mom, to please give her a baby…and here I came- their little miracle child. So, there was never any question of whether or not I was loved or wanted. I came from a good home and can remember being in church as far back as I can remember. My parents did everything possible to give me a perfect life. And it pretty much was up until I was about 15. I grew up excelling in sports and academics both. I was in the Gifted & Talented program, All-County in basketball, All-State Honorable Mention as a freshman for softball. I was a cheerleader with good looking older boyfriends and a shiny new sports car.

Life should have been good. But I just felt so empty. I started struggling with severe depression and ended up making two very serious attempts on my life my the time I was 16. After that, things just went downhill. I was no longer popular because the kids didn’t know how to deal with me and what I’d done, I guess. I learned to be tough, to have a smart comeback to whatever hurtful comment came my way and to throw a few punches when necessary. I remember in my Senior yearbook, my favorite teacher wrote that she knew I’d be ok because I had grit. That’s probably the only kind word any teacher had for me because I was the exact opposite of what I’d been raised to be. I was the picture of teenage angst and found new friends that liked to drink and do drugs. I learned that I liked to do them too. I can’t tell you how many times I went to rehab before I even made it out of high school. The downward spiral lasted into my 20’s.

My attempts at college were all a bust. There was too much partying to do to waste time studying, even though I had the brains. My early 20’s were mostly spend in clubs and bars and while some times were really fun, weekends in Miami and raves in Nashville, I just never could stop when the party was over. I wanted to be thin and beautiful more than anything because my self-esteem was measured in men and what they thought of me, and I found that dope kept me from eating and I could be skinny and blonde and working as a bartender, I thought those were the two most important things in life. The dope did what it does though and I found myself isolated and alone from anyone who really cared about me.

I wound up pregnant about the time I lost my job, my car broke down and I couldn’t pay my rent anymore. The baby’s father, also an addict, just said he wasn’t ready and advised me not to have the baby if I wasn’t prepared to do it alone. Broke, pregnant, and at what should have been rock bottom, I crawled home to mom and dad. They helped me raise the baby after she came and I went back to work. This time, I tried to find a job outside the bars (bartending had been so fun but I was an addict who’d already acquired one DUI so I was at least smart enough to know I needed to try something different).

I’d like to say this is where things turned around for me, with the birth of my daughter, but it wasn’t. Soon, I’d met a not-so-good guy I fell head over heels for and it was back to the same old stuff. My parents were already practically raising my daughter before I ever lost custody of her because who knows when I might sober up enough to come home. The relationship was awful but I couldn’t stand to be alone so I hung on as best I could. Everything came to a head one night when I did too many drugs, drank too many drinks and wound up with my second DUI. This time, I’d nearly ran over an officer, crashed into a trailer and a police car, and had no memory of it. No one came to bail me out because they all knew I had to get help.

I stayed in jail for two months waiting to get into a long-term rehab facility. There was a group of older ladies from a local church who came every week and witnessed to those of us in the jail. I remember one week one of the ladies hugged me and whispered “Honey, you don’t belong here, do you? You know God loves you and it’s not too late.” That sweet lady, whose name I may never know, changed my life. I gave my life to God right there in the Lawrence Co Jail and spent the rest of my time praying with some of the other ladies in my part of the jail. I formed a prayer group with two prostitutes and a sweet lady who was addicted to crack cocaine. I’d have never seen that coming! From there, things weren’t always perfect, and there were still some really hard things to deal with.

While in rehab, my baby’s father decided to try for custody. The judge decided to give it to my parents instead who had been raising her anyway. I spent 4 more months after the two in jail in rehab. I went to court and lost my license for 3 years. My dad drove me most anywhere I had to go until I was almost 30. That is humbling for sure. But still, I had faith and sobriety for the first time ever and despite all these things going on, I knew I’d be ok at last. I got out of rehab and got an apartment within walking distance of the job I miraculously found within days of graduating rehab.

I, along with my child’s father, was court ordered to go to Anger Management classes and one day he asked me if I’d like him to give me a ride home after the classes. I said sure and he did. My parents had kept my daughter active in church this whole time and I started going with them. Her dad then started attending some things too mainly just to see our daughter but then one day on the way home from one of those Anger Management classes he asked if it was too late for us to try again and we did. He kept coming to church with us and was eventually saved and baptized and if there ever was stark proof of God’s ability to change a heart, it’s found in my husband.

He is now the most amazing father, husband and Sunday School teacher I could imagine. We were married in 2009 and our daughter was our beautiful flower girl. We’ve still had our share of storm since then. My dad’s passing in 2012 was particularly hard on me and we found out just a few months later (while I was pregnant with our second child) that our oldest daughter is on the Autism spectrum. That “grit” Mrs. Ingleright pointed out that I’d learned from my high school difficulties has come in handy as finding the resources my daughter needs definitely takes some determination. I’d like to say God took away all signs of my depression but it’s not true. I still struggle at times and I’ve seen that Satan uses my depression and anxiety as a tool to slow me down when I’m trying hardest to do God’s will. At this point in life, however, I’ve learned that “this too shall pass” and I dig in and keep going with my God leading the way.

What is something you are passionate about?
Autism Awareness & Treatment and generally just wanting to remind people that different isn’t less – My oldest daughter, Presley, the one who was diagnosed as being on the spectrum, is brilliant and funny and amazing in 11 million different ways.

Life is so busy these days–how do you recharge?
I recently attended a Disciple Now weekend with our church’s youth group, aptly named #Refresh. Seeing all those kids be moved by the Spirit and finding a word from God myself while out in the woods with nothing else to worry about (school, work, etc.) was an amazing recharge.

In day to day life, however, I recharge through working out -I’m currently into and loving Crossfit- and just cutting loose to music. My girls and I have some crazy-silly Gray’s Anatomy-style Dance-It-Out sessions in the car, in our kitchen, wherever. You can’t take yourself or life too seriously. Of course, there’s no better medicine than a good laugh.

Tell us three things you are loving (books, tv shows, products, etc.).
Lee Daniels’ movie The Butler– I just watched and it was SOOOO good!
TV Show: This Is Us (I can’t even type the name without crying!)
Makeup product: Tart’s Tartiest Pro Amazonian Clay Eyeshadow Palette

Thank you, Allison, for sharing your testimony with us and what a testimony it is!  Isn’t that just an amazing example of God’s redemption?  

Hot Stone Massage | Elamar Skin Science

This blog post is part two of a series in partnership with Elamar Skin Science. All services and products were complementary but all opinions and experiences are my own.

hot stone massage

Photo courtesy of Canva

When my friends at Elamar Skin Science suggested I come in for a hot stone massage, I jumped at the offer.  I have had many regular massages before and loved them, but never one involving hot stones.

When I arrived for my appointment, I was greeted by Elamar’s friendly staff.  My therapist asked a few questions (Was I having any issues? No.  Was I just there to relax? Yes.) and then informed me she would be doing a LaStone massage.  The LaStone massage uses a combination of hot and cold basalt stones to cleanse your body and rejuvenate your blood flow.  Alternating the hot and cold stones stimulates the circulatory system and has an invigorating effect.

My therapist told me that I would feel so relaxed I would enter into a meditative state.  I have a very hard time getting fully relaxed, so I just nodded at this statement but, honestly, I was thinking, “Yea, right.”

Once I was settled onto the table in a face-up position, she gently placed hot stones underneath my back.  The stones were arranged on either side of my spine and spaced evenly, so it was not at all uncomfortable.  She then placed a few cold stones on my belly and chest area.  The last stone was placed between my eyebrows.  At this point, I could literally feel my blood rushing through my veins.  It was the best, weirdest feeling I’ve ever had.

The therapist started with my legs, using a combination of her hands and hot stones to massage the muscles.  When she finished with each leg, she left the hot stone lying against the sole of my foot.  Next, she moved to my arms and repeated the entire process.  Following this, the therapist had me roll over so that I was lying face down and rearranged the stones.  She continued to massage my back, neck, and arms in the same manner as before.

I made the mistake of leaving my phone on (instead of on silent) and it went off with a weather alert about halfway through my massage.  At this point, I was so relaxed that a tornado itself couldn’t have gotten me off that table.  I forced my eyes open at one point to make sure I wasn’t drooling–that’s how relaxed I was.  That meditative state she had mentioned?  I was totally and unexpectedly there.

When I tell you that this was the best, most relaxing massage I have ever had, I am not exaggerating.  (If you are having muscle issues, this may not or may not be the massage for you.  If you want a wonderfully relaxing experience, you need this hot stone massage in your life.)

I loved how refreshed I felt as I was leaving the office.  Typically, I feel drowsy following a massage.  Not so with this one.  At the end of my session, the therapist executed what she called “the chase”.  She started at the sole of one foot, ran up my body to my shoulders, across and back down to the sole of the other foot with first a cold stone and then a hot stone.  It wasn’t necessarily comfortable, but had she not used this technique I believe she would have had an extremely hard time getting me off that table!

If you ever have the chance to experience a hot stone massage, go for it.  If you are in the area, I whole-heartedly suggest Babette at Elamar Skin Science!  Tell them I sent you =)