I love the start of things. Beginnings are always so exciting and fresh. And the beginning of a new year? The MOST exciting and fresh. I have been making New Year’s resolutions/ intentions/ goals for as long as I can remember. (See my past years here and here.)

2024 Intentions:

  1. Make healthier choices. Choose nutrient-heavy foods instead of the junk I normally reach for. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. Eat to fuel my body– I have a bad habit of not eating enough good foods and feeling tired and yucky.
  2. Cook more meals at home. We waste SO MUCH money eating out. I enjoy cooking, for the most part, it’s just that after the first month (or week), I run out of things to make. I need help. I need suggestions. Please scroll to the comment section right now and leave me all your dinner ideas.
  3. Build our savings account. I want to be intentional about saving more money in 2024.
  4. OAL (Our Alabama Life). This blog. I love it. I love writing and sharing and choosing/editing photos and owning this little slice of the internet. Through the years, I have let it slide when things got busy. Not in 2024, though. This is our year =)
  5. Less TikTok and Netflix, more reading.

Do you make intentions/ resolutions/ goals for the new year? Do you stick with them? Share all your tips and suggestions (or even your own intentions!) in the comments.