This year, I did not make the first New Year’s Resolution.  Usually, I have a list of things I want to change/better/perfect/do in the new year.  I did, however, make a different list.  Yesterday, I turned 28.  I’ve seen TONS of super cute 30 Before 30 lists, and I want to join those ranks.

30 Before 30
  1. Run the Color Run 5K.
  2. Go on a cruise to the Bahamas.
  3. Give $30 away to a random stranger.
  4. Place a bet on 30 red/ 30 black on Roulette.
  5. Go to a wine tasting.
  6. Ride in a hot air balloon.
  7. Give up caffeine for 30 days.
  8. Do the Avon 2-day breast cancer walk (preferably in New York, preferably with Carrie-hint, hint).
  9. Take a pole dancing class–with friends, just for fun. (Don’t panic Mom!)
  10. Go on a road trip with just my girls (and the GPS for my directionally-impaired self) to the American Girl store in Atlanta.
  11. Go to Vegas.
  12. Get a tattoo.
  13. Kill a deer- 6 points or bigger.
  14. Run the Country Music Half Marathon. (on the books for April, 2013)
  15. See Jerrod Neimann in concert.
  16. Cheer on Kasey Kane and Dale Jr. at a Nascar race.
  17. Sing Karaoke in public.
  18. Go see a movie at a theater alone.
  19. See a play.
  20. Wakeboard.
  21. Take a yoga class.
  22. Go to a fortune teller/ psychic/ palm reader.
  23. Go to Jamaica.
  24. Visit New Orleans.
  25. Write a book.  Or part of a book.
  26. Visit Ground Zero.
  27. Warrior dash. (twice) See here and .
  28. Go to an event for which I have to really dress up–a gala, banquet, something.
  29. Learn conversational Spanish.
  30. Start a business, even if it’s just on etsy. (Crafty Cookie Boutique, established July 2012)

Red= Completed task

Anyone have any experience with any of these? Any volunteers to train me for that half marathon?  Partners in crime for a trip or concert?  Just let me know! =)