I feel like with all the house posts and Stitch Fix reviews and other super-important stuff, I’ve neglected sharing the day-to-day family things that I love sharing on this blog.  (Don’t get me wrong, I love sharing the house posts and Stitch Fix reviews and other super-important stuff too.  I just don’t want to leave out the little family updates.)  I stumbled across the Five on Friday link-up and I think it’s the perfect way to wrap up each week with an update.  This is episode 001 in what I hope to be an every-Friday series.

photo cred:  Aunt Mallory
photo cred: Aunt Mallory

Five on Friday 001a

one.  Farm life.  I don’t want to give the impression that everything is glamorous and beautiful on the farm.  The bugs are abundant and I stepped in cow poop just this week.  But I love it.  I love every sweaty, stinky minute of it.  I love that my kids are getting to live this life.  I can’t wait to get more chickens and a few pigs and grow our farm even more than it already is.

Five on Friday 001e Five on Friday 001f

two.  Grandfather time.  Our school hosted a Donuts with Dad day and since Justin couldn’t take off work, Pops stepped up to the plate (literally!).  Then, the girls spent the night with Papaw and Nana so Justin and I could have a date/house planning night and we met up for breakfast the next morning at Ihop.  (I know I’ve told you this before, but Ihop has the most amazing drink ever– it’s the Tropical Island Twist and just telling you this makes my mouth water.)

Five on Friday 001

three.  Stump researching.  Justin salvaged an old tree stump from his grandparents’ house when they passed away.  We want to do something really special with it in the new house and I have been researching what we can do with it.  Now, we just need to decide which idea to go with!

Five on Friday 001b

four.  Family time.  Justin has been working a new schedule, which I dislike 90% of the time.  But every so often, he gets a long weekend off–Friday through Monday–and we get to spend tons of family time together.  It almost makes up for the long hours he has to work the other part of the time.

Five on Friday 001g

five.  Date night.  I have crazy eyes and I hate selfies but I so love this man.  Lately, we’ve been having a lot of serious discussions about building a house (and paying for said house).  We’ve disagreed on hardwood (Justin doesn’t want it in the kitchen but I do) and home exterior (Justin wants brick because it’s maintenance free and I want vinyl because it’s pretty) but I wouldn’t want to go through this process with anyone else.

Your turn–tell me one thing you’ve done this week!