On Asking for Help

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I don’t like to ask for help.  I like to be the girl doing the helping.  I am independent to a fault.  I feel needed when someone asks me to help them.  I am the responsible one, the capable one, the one who helps with your kids and brings the meals (that I pick up, not cook, of course).  Because of this, I rarely give my people the opportunity to be affirmed by helping me.

But due to high blood pressure, I have been on bed rest since Tuesday.  And as much as I hate being down, I have to do what is best for myself and my baby.

photo 2-27

So I’ve gladly accepted the dinners and the kid transportation and the gifts.  (My sweet friend Lisa brought by the above bundle of magazines to help me pass the time).  I’ve even asked for help a few times.

And I’ll tell you what I’ve learned.  I’ve learned that I have the absolute best, most wonderful friends and family in the whole entire world.  My clothes have been washed, dinners prepared, and kids taken care of.  Not to mention the many texts and calls and emails I’ve gotten.  I’ve always been aware of my many blessings, but sometimes it takes needing help actually see those blessings in action.

New Year, New Goals

I am a MAJOR list maker.  (If you followed me on Beautiful, Crazy Life, you know this already!)  One thing I don’t want to do in this new year is start out with a ton of resolutions that I’ll never stick too.  Let’s just be real–who sticks with those resolutions all year anyway?

For 2015, I set five simple goals for myself.  Goals that are important to me, but not so demanding that I won’t be able to reach them.

1.  Blog.  I LOVE blogging.  It is a big hobby of mine and I would like to do better at it.  (Thus, the name change and website move.)  I don’t expect to become The Pioneer Woman overnight (or ever, although that would be nice), but I would like to get more serious about this hobby.  (In my head, this means posting at least three times per week and pursuing network connections.)

  • Side note:  Previously, I blogged at Beautiful, Crazy Life 4.  The 4 stood for the number of people in our family.  For some reason, I was not ok with becoming a family of 5 and still having that number 4 at the end of my blog.  Yes, I know most people didn’t realize that’s what it stood for, but I did.  Just humor me.  Therefore, Our Alabama Life was born.

2. Budget.  We are really bad about just spending money, with no regard to where it goes.  Justin and I have sat down and discussed a budget several times in the last few weeks and are working on getting it all mapped out.  The ultimate goal of our budget is too fatten our savings account, of course.

3. Cook.  I don’t do it.  Ok, I rarely do it.  This year, my goal is to cook more.  Hopefully, this will help goal #2 and help me shed the baby weight once Jase gets here.  I also want us to have more meals as a family, at the table, instead of on the road or in front of the TV.

4. Date nights.  Justin and I had a day date before Christmas for the first time in at least 6 months.  We are so rarely together, just the two of us, that I forget how much I really like him.  We both want to set a goal of at least one date night per month this year, even if that means sending the kids to GraGra’s and getting pizza and red box at home.

5. Collect app.  I am a big supporter of the scrapbooking industry.  I am passionate about saving all these memories for my girls and myself and our family.  But every year I start some project–Project 365, Project Life–to keep up with our days, and every year I fail.  This year, I am using the Collect app to keep our memories.  One photo per day, with a quick description.  The app even sends me reminders every night at 6:00.  Totally do-able, right?

What goals (or resolutions, if that’s your thing), have you set for yourself for 2015?

On Feeling Overwhelmed

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed, because there are 17 million loads of laundry needing to be washed, dried, folded, and put away.  Which means there may (hopefully) be a single pair of clean socks and underwear per person in this house.
Overwhelmed, because the holidays are fast approaching and I have purchased two gifts.  Two.

Overwhelmed, because Jase’s nursery currently looks like this.  And not much can be done about all that stuff until the girls room is cleaned out, and even I wasn’t brave enough to take a picture of that disaster zone right now.

Overwhelmed, because the girls are rotating the same few outfits because I have yet to switch out their summer clothes with winter clothes and/or purchase what is needed for colder weather.

Overwhelmed, because four of my eight barstools look like this.

Or this.

Overwhelmed, because there isn’t a single free afternoon on our calendar for the next two weeks.

Overwhelmed, because my sink looks like this and the dishwasher is full and we are out of dishwashing detergent.

Overwhelmed, because mama is big and pregnant and the last thing I want to do when I get home are any of the above things.

I think as mama’s it is especially easy to feel overwhelmed.  (It seems like daddy’s can ignore messes much easier….or maybe that’s just Justin.  He doesn’t seem to notice anything until I mention it!)  Mama’s have laundry and dishes and clothes-purchasing and homework duty and sports cheering and it seems to never just slow up so that we can breathe for one tiny second.

But this is life.  And each glorious, overwhelming mess can also give an opportunity to be thankful.

That laundry?  It’s because we go and do and play and get dirty with all the fun things.

The holidays?  They’re fun!!! Every year, I refuse to stress—gifts can be purchased and delivered via Amazon prime and I will simply enjoy the time spent with my family.  And those red holiday Starbucks cups. 🙂

That messy nursery?  The pictures are down because we painted, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.  The clothes are piled up because (thank goodness!) those still fit the girls from last year, which means less to buy again this year.  That messy nursery is progress toward a room that is going to hold my sweet baby boy in a little over two months.  And that’s a big blessing, ya’ll.

Those dishes?  We have never had to go without a meal, or worry where money for our food was going to come from.

So when you are feeling overwhelmed with life, just stop.  Take a deep breath.  Look at all those things that are messy or messed up and find the silver lining.  Because I promise you, there is one.

Week In The Life: Sunday Words + Photos

7:00 am- Wake up, thanks to Daylight Savings Time.  Our usual Sunday morning wake-up is 7:30.  We have certain rituals when it comes to breakfast at our house–through the week it’s cereals and waffles and oatmeal;  Saturdays are for homemade chocolate chip pancakes; and Sundays are cinnamon rolls.

9:30 am- Church time.

12:30 pm- Quick lunch from Burger King (because Mom really wanted a fish sandwich) and then home to make punch for Leeann’s baby shower.

2:00 pm- Baby shower at Aunt Lori’s for Jonathon and LeeAnn.  Leopard print is big, ya’ll 🙂

5:00 pm- AWANA’s and GEL groups at church.  I can tie my shoes, it’s just really uncomfortable to do so.  Thankfully, I have a husband who doesn’t complain (too much) about helping a sister out 🙂

Now if he’ll only do something about that pile of laundry in the bathroom behind him!

Week In The Life: Saturday Words + Photos

For some strange reason, both girls woke up around 6:30 this morning.  They spent some quality time snuggling and playing Minecraft while Daddy slept and I got breakfast ready.

7:00 am- Homemade pancakes with chocolate chips (our Saturday morning tradition).

11:15 am- Sent Kyndall with Rodney and Ansley for basketball practice while we went to Libby’s championship game.  The final game of this year’s cheer season.  The Rebels WON, by the way!  I was so proud of Libby–the cheerleaders have been a little flaky this year and at this last game, only 4 of the 9 original cheerleaders were there.  Libby didn’t mind–she cheered and danced her little heart out anyway!

2:30 pm- Lunch/Supper at Fulin’s with GraGra and Pops.  Loved this sweet conversation.

5:45 pm- Meet the Rebels for basketball.  Each girl was announced, Eli-Gold-style, and ran out onto the court.  They did this for youth league teams all the way through high school and then the high school teams played a scrimmage game.  It made my heart happy that our little ones got to participate in this special honor–they felt so big and important!

7:30 pm- We finished off the evening at the movies with GraGra and Pops watching Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  We were a little late getting there to take a picture before and then after, both the girls were whiny and ill (because they were SOOO sleepy), so no pictures were made.


Week In The Life: Friday Words + Photos

6:15 am- When I woke Libby up this morning, from my bed, the first words she said were “I slept AWESOME!”

7:15 am- It’s Halloween, so both girls got to wear their costumes to school.  They had cookies and candy and games and TONS of fun.

3:30 pm- Super quick, fifteen minute rest time for the pregnant mama who had too little sleep last night and too many sweets today.  All while piled in the recliner with two girls and a monster of a dog.  Max doesn’t seem to mind how he needs to lay–on, under–as long as he’s with his people.  He does seem to want to lay his head on my belly lately….bonding with Baby Jase already 🙂

6:00 pm- Trunk or Treat, take 2 at GraGra and Pops church.  Games and food and fun.  Too cold for any pictures, whatsoever.

8:00 pm- Home again, home again.  The girls wrapped up in warm pajamas and watched TV while Justin and I caught up on our “games”–Candy Crush for him, Hay Day for me.  Yes, I know we are both a little late on the times 🙂

The girls went to sleep sometime around 10:00 and Justin and I weren’t far behind.  Another day in the books 🙂

Week In The Life: Thursday Words + Photos

5:55 am- I know.  I know she is not supposed to be in here.  But look how sweet and cuddly she is.  She just sleeps so well in our bed.

6:30 am- Breakfast of champions:  waffles with powdered sugar and chocolate chips.  (No chocolate chips for Libby).

7:27 am- Time for school.  Libby has a sub today so she was asked to come straight to her room to help the sub get “situated.”  She LOVED this, of course.  Today was also popcorn day, so I scavenged in my purse to find $1 for each of them.

3:30 pm- Hair therapy for everyone….. well, except Daddy.  I really love this photo–Libby’s turn getting her hair cut and Kyndall is waiting patiently.  What did we ever do before electronic devices?

6:30 pm- Endless Shrimp at Red Lobster, because this is Justin’s “THING”.  He is all about getting his money’s worth.  And each time he ordered a new plate, I told myself to take a picture before he started in on it.  I even had my phone RIGHT beside me and somehow still managed to not get a picture.  So how about a stock photo from RedLobster.com, just to make you hungry? 😉

The story of our evening involved a little later bedtime (8:30), braiding Kyndall’s hair in a million tiny braids so she can be Hermione tomorrow at school, laying costumes out, singing Hush-A-Bye and You Are My Sunshine (because those are our nighttime songs), and a pregnant mommy (literally) falling into bed, exhausted.

*Notes from today–As far as daily photos, I took a lot less today.  As in, three total photos.  Oops.  I have taken several through the week of little things:  weather screenshots, random decor throughout the house.  When I finally get around to doing these pages and printing them, I’ll have those as “fillers”.

Week In The Life: Wednesday Words + Photos

5:55 am- Alarm goes off.  I pull Libby up from my bed (again) and we take a quick shower together.  Kyndall had hers last night at Emily’s, so she’s good to sleep for a little longer.

6:30 am- Breakfast–waffles with powdered sugar and chocolate chips for the girls, Special K cereal for me, breakfast bar for Justin on the way to work.

7:00 am- Word of the day:  Hair.  Today at school are Santa pictures, so I curled both girls’ hair this morning.

7:15 am- School.  Today, both girls’ extra was library, so they got to see me!  Holiday weeks are some of the only times we watch movies (I usually read stories), but all the classes are watching Spookly the Square Pumpkin this week.

11:45 am- The girls finally got their picture made with Santa, just before lunch.  Kyndall asked him for a Minecraft game for the XBox and Libby asked for a Crayola Marker Maker.

3:00 pm- After school we went straight home to get ready for the Halloween Trunk or Treat at our church. (Talk about a mash-up of holidays, right?)  Kyndall is dressing as Hermione from Harry Potter, so she needed wavy hair.  (See–more hair!!) We wet it just a bit and then did lots and lots of teeny tiny little braids.

(Photo courtesy of Libby–she hasn’t quite learned how to take ‘sharp’ pictures yet.)

5:30 pm- All ready and headed to the church.

7:00 pm- Trunk or Treating, hay riding, hot dog eating, and hot air balloon riding at TBC.  Of course, there were 7,378 Elsa’s there 🙂

8:30 pm- We made it home just after 8:00.  The girls pulled off their costumes and laid them out for Friday night’s festivities and then all but fell into bed.  They were asleep within five minutes, and I wasn’t far behind.

Story from today: I had intentionally not signed Justin up to help at the Fall Festival last night so that he could help me watch the girls.  Of course, he got hit up Sunday night and agreed to work a shift at one of the blow-up slide.  About five minutes into his shift, the generator on the slide quit working so he was able to walk around with us anyways.  In other words, if you need anything, I have a direct line to God =)

Week in the Life: Tuesday Words & Photos

6:00 am- Snooze the alarm

6:05 am- Wake up and get in the shower.  I try to get all the way finished with my shower and makeup and have nothing left to do except my hair by the time I wake the girls up.  This way I can enjoy breakfast with them.

6:30am- Wake the girls up.  They BOTH slept in their own beds last night! SCORE! Breakfast was cereal for everyone.

6:50am- We are trying something new at our house where they girls get an allowance each week for completing certain chores.  They check off the chores on their list and they get money depending on how many checks they have.  One of their chores is to feed and water the dogs each morning.  Kyndall is really on top of this, Libby not so much.

7:20am- School time.  Somehow, the girls have their ‘extras’ on the same day.  Today, they both have computer lab.  I didn’t get pictures there, but I did send the iPad with the PE teacher and she took some awesome pictures.  There is something to be said for getting everyone involved in this project!
PS:  This is so typical of the girls.  Libby always, always, always plays with Brook-lynn and Riley.  They run around and play princess and teacher and whatever there imagination brings.  Kyndall always, always, always plays a game or sport….and intensely.  That girl is as competitive as they come!

4:30 pm- Chief and Snoogie’s BBQ for supper, wolfed down in about five minutes before our ‘activities’ begin.  A plain potato, no meat, is their absolute favorite food right now.

5:00 pm- Drop Kyndall off at Maggie’s for basketball practice and head to Libby’s football game.  Sending one of our girls with a non-parent or grandparent is an extremely rare occurrence.  But this is a playoff game and quite possible could be Libby’s last game to cheer at this season, so everyone wants to be there.  And I feel like Libby feels a little left out–Justin and I have neither one been super excited about her cheer season.  Not because of her at all, but because of the season itself.  All the games this time have run late starting, which added to the game itself means around 4 or 4 and a half hours at the football field on a Saturday.  Which is no fun, let me tell you.

6:00 pm- Game time.  I got to be coach tonight since both our REAL coaches were sick.  Woohoo! (<—and that is complete sarcasm.  Coaching a group of 5 and 6 year old cheerleaders while almost seven months pregnant is not wonderful, FYI.)  BUT I love that Libby has this sweet girl to cheer with.

8:00 pm- Pick up Kyndall.  A HUGE shout out to Emily–K had already been bathed and was all ready for bed.

8:10 pm- Libby fell asleep on the way home, so as soon as we walked in the door it was bedtime for the girls.

8:30 pm- I snuggled up in bed with some old magazines I hadn’t had a chance to read yet while Justin settled down in front of the TV.

9:30 pm- Lights out at the West house.

One thing I’ve noticed this time around (after only two days) is that I am less concerned (stressed, worried) with getting lots of pictures and more mindful of paying attention to the stories of our day.  That is one thing Ali really stressed in her Week in the Life planning post and one thing I had really failed to do with last years WITL album.

Week in the Life 2014: Monday Words & Photos

5:55 am- I unwrap Libby’s arms from around me as the alarm goes off.  YES, she is still in our beds most nights.  We really need a bigger bed.

6:25 am- Libby has been begging to wake up to an alarm, so I set her iPad alarm for 6:27 and go to wake up Kyndall.

6:30 am- Breakfast:  waffles with powdered sugar and chocolate chips for Kyndall, Special K for Libby, oatmeal for me, and microwaved sausage biscuits for Justin.

7:20 am- Walk in at school and begin our day.  On Mondays, both of the girls have art.

3:00 pm- Home from school and start homework.  Kyndall works on math while Libby reads her story to me.

5:00 pm- Dinnertime!  Chicken Spaghetti (that was just a bit too cheesy).  Battle with Libby over eating.  The girl doesn’t want to eat anything.  We go to war over food every single day.

5:45 pm- A walk around the neighborhood and a little b-ball game in the driveway.

7:00 pm- Showers for the girls.

7:30 pm- The girls curl up in bed and watch Liv and Maddie on TV to unwind while I get clothes/backpacks/lunches ready for tomorrow.

8:00 pm- Bedtime for girls, a cup of decaf coffee for Mommy, last weeks’ episodes of Nashville and Scandal for Mommy and Daddy.

9:30 pm-Bedtime for me.  Justin usually falls asleep on the couch while watching the news and comes to bed around 11:00.