Surprise Visitor

We had an unexpected and univited guest show up in our henhouse today.  That crazy hubby of mine came to the door holding a 5 foot long chicken snake, with what appeared to be one of our chicken eggs in its throat.  Can I just say that I am OVERJOYED he was the one who found it and not me and the girls?  I mean, can you imagine?
Surprise visitor #snake
Surprise visitor #snake
Want to know something funny?  The snake is still alive in these photos.
Want to know something even funnier?  Justin put the snake down in the yard to kill it and as soon as he let go, the snake spit up a golf ball!  That’s right–we have golf balls in the henhouse to encourage the chickens to lay and apparently, those golf balls fooled the snake too.  Poor thing-he didn’t even get a last meal.

GameDay Sweets: Soapapilla Cheesecake

GameDay Sweets: Soapapilla Cheescake

GameDay Sweets:  Soapapilla Cheescake
I am going to share a top secret recipe with you.  OK, maybe not so top-secret.  It was left laying out at my church’s VBS last year and I swiped it.  (And by swiped it, I mean took a photo with my phone–not stealing, of course!)

So for this post, purely for my enjoyment, I am going to pretend to be an expert chef.  Think  Pioneer Woman or Rachael Ray.  And you, my dear reader, are going to be a beginning cook.


To begin, you’ll need:
2 cans crescent rolls
1 package cream cheese
1 stick butter
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 and 1/2 cups sugar
Spread one package of crescent rolls across the bottom of a 9×13 dish.  Be sure to apply non-stick cooking spray first.
Soften cream cheese in the microwave, then add 1 cup sugar.  Stir well.
Pour cream cheese and sugar mixture over the layer of crescent rolls.
Layer the second package of crescent rolls on top of the cream cheese and sugar mixture.
GameDay Sweets:  Soapapilla Cheescake
Soften stick of butter in the microwave and then add 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 1 tablespoon cinnamon.  Spread this mixture on the very top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.  Serve warm and enjoy!
PS:  This is also great reheated, if there happen to be any leftovers.  We never have any around here.

50th post…..Hooray!

I can’t believe this is my 50th post! Maybe I’ll get 5 followers before too long 🙂

I have been a spray-paintin’ fool lately. First the patio furniture, now this picture frame. It was passed along to me for free and was perfectly fine before, but it just didn’t match my color scheme. Here is the before:

And the after:

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this yet. I’m thinking a brightly colored letter “W” would look great hanging in the middle….. we’ll see.

And just to keep it real, this is what I’ve been doing today:

That’s about 10 loads of laundry. What fun!

And just for fun, here’s another Todd Agnew share–I think I’m becoming his biggest fan!

Now I’m taking my Mt. Dew to go snuggle with my girls and watch Good Luck Charlie.  If you haven’t seen that show, you are missing out!

Barn Light Electric

Ever heard of Barn Light Electric? They are a light company that has tons of super cute lights, and right now they are having a contest for bloggers. They are giving away a $1000 gift certificate to a lucky winner.  Second place gets $500 and third place gets $250.  I never win anything, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to share a few of their lights.  You know, while I’m in house-planning mode and all that 🙂  So here are a few of my favorite pieces:

This chandelier would go perfectly above the table in the dining room.
Boxwood 5 Light Chandelier, 74-Rosewood/Raw Copper, Chain Hung
Barn Light Boxwood 5-Light Chandelier
I think a few (maybe 3?) of these would look beautiful above the island in the kitchen!
12" Deep Bowl Pendant, 97-Red, Black Cord Hung
Barn Light Deep Bowl Pendant
And these outside on the porch…
8" Rawhide Sconce, 77-Rosewood
Barn Light Rawhide Sconce

And if you would like a chance at winning, here’s how you can enter:

  1. Look around online at Barn Light Electric and pick lights you’d love to own
  2. Feature your lighting picks on your personal blog, and link to the lights if you can!
  3. Copy/Paste these rules at the bottom of your blog article so others can enter
  4. Once your personal article is up, you must email your blog link to be qualified to win. The contest ends Monday, July 2nd, 2012
  5. Don’t have a blog? Find out how you can enter by reading the Official Rules

25 Things You Never Wanted to Know About Me.

As I’ve read through some of my favorite blogs, I have come across several of the ’25 things about me’ lists.  Here is my list of 25 things you probably have no interest in knowing about me.  Please still love me afterwards. 🙂

1.       I am a sucker for magazines.  Seriously.  I can NOT walk through the checkout aisle at Wal-Mart, Target, anywhere actually, without picking one up.  Southern Living, Scrapbooks, Etc., Country Living, Women’s Running Magazine… anything with a glossy cover. 
2.       Before becoming an education major, I was planning to be a nurse anesthetist.  Even worked nightshift in the ICU at Decatur General Hospital.  Loved it.  REALLY loved it.  Hated the hours.  REALLY hated the hours.
3.       I worked for a photographer for a while, took photography classes, and really wanted to pursue that as a side-career.  I still have a very close relationship with my camera.  Justin understands.
4.       Ballpark nachos are my absolute favorite food in the entire world.
5.       My name is Courtney and I am addicted to Mt. Dew.  Completely.  As in, I have around 5 20-oz Dews, just during the school day.
6.       In addition to the Mt. Dew addiction, I really love coffee.  Three sugars, 2 creams.  Maybe this abundance of caffeine is why I am so high-strung.
7.       Green.  It’s the best color in the world. 
8.       I am a music junkie.  Country, Christian, Hard rock, rap, R&B……. all kinds.
9.       I really, really, really hate being late.
10.   I still wear scrunchies.  Don’t judge.
11.   I have a tattoo.  On my stomach.  It is the Japanese Kanji meaning ‘blessed.’  (Yes, I know that is says ‘blessed’ and not something crazy like ‘eggroll’.)
12.   Right next to my tattoo, I have a 5-inch vertical scar from a really scary surgery that I had in November of 2011. 
13.   I would really like to author a book.  Probably a children’s book.
14.   I cannot sit still to watch tv or a movie.  I am constantly moving or fidgeting.  Maybe this has something to do with my caffeine intake.
15.   I am directionally-impaired.  My 8-year old can get us to more places than I can.  It’s sad.
16.   I love sports—I did just about everything in high school except basketball or soccer.  
17.   I am a fast runner.  And I like to run.  I try to run in several 5K races a year.
18.   I am really bad at math.  Seriously, I have to think hard about 6 times 7.  42, right?
19.   I broke two of my fingers playing touch football in 6th grade.  I forgot it was ‘touch’ football.
20.   I’m pretty good with a shotgun.
21.   The Fast and Furious movies are my favorites—all of them.
22.   I am deeply in lust with Vin Diesel.
23.   I truly hope my blog becomes as popular as The Pioneer Woman.
24.   I only eat blue M&M’s.
25.   I don’t like talking on the phone.  I’d rather text, email, or talk to you in person. 
Feel free to create your own list and share it with me!

Gullion Farms Field Trip

Even though we live on a farm, we took a little trip to another one with K’s class at school.  The field trip was to Gullion Farms and the kids were able to do all kinds of exciting things.  If you are ever in our neck of the woods, I especially recommend visiting this place.

K loving on the bunnies





This goat loved the way K tasted–it followed her around wanting to lick her!



Milking a cow for the first time ever.


Yes, milking a cow.  Also for the first time ever.


Love my big girl!



Gathering eggs from the hen house.


Look what we caught!




The best of friends!

First Blog Post

Due to my inability to keep a diary or journal, and the fact that I have slacked enormously on keeping my girls’ scrapbooks up to date, I have decided to start this blog.  It will be a digital scrapbook, a journal for me, and hopefully, an entertaining read for a few blog followers.  Enjoy!