This post was written in collaboration with Mary Davis.

When you consider exercising, your mind most likely goes to cardio exercises like running and walking, or lifting weights in the gym. However, if you are looking for the best exercises to do at home, read on. You do not require any equipment for these exercises because you use your body weight for resistance.

1. Plank

Planks refer to full-body exercises. Not only do they affect the core muscles while maintaining the position, however, they also work the muscles of the legs and arms. The good thing about a plank is that you can set time for your grip and always try to exceed your objective. Doing the plank may seem very simple, but your form must be perfect so you do not hurt your wrists or back, and there are also a lot variations to the basic plank- these are some of the best planks for beginners to try

2. Squats 

Squats are a vital component of bodyweight exercises. While mastering the correct form of squats is important, this exercise is simple to do anywhere and requires no equipment. Jump squats are also great as they create stability in the lower body and legs. Squats are as well recognized to work the glutes. And in case you have a chair, you may use it for lunges or split squats.

3. Lunges 

Even though lunges are more difficult to maintain, they are a great lower body workout without weights. Stand in an athletic posture for a lunge. You will then push your left foot frontward and bend down to prevent your right knee from reaching to the floor. Then explode back to a standing position. You keep on repeating the process.

4. Push Up

Push-up is a great way to promote upper body muscles and strength. To do a pushup, start with your hands at shoulder height in a plank position. Then, slowly lower the body till your chest is fairly above the floor, then push back into the plank posture. Repeat the process as often as possible. Push-ups are a way to get up where you can do dips and pull-ups.

5. Crunches 

Crunches are a standard basic exercise. They chiefly train your abs, which are a portion of your core. The core also includes the oblique muscles located on the rims of the trunk, along with the muscles of the pelvis, hips, and lower back. These muscles work together to assist in stabilizing your body.

6. Mountain Climbers

Even if many people consider mountain climbers like a lower body exercise, they are great for all muscle groups in your body. To do a mountain climber, begin in a plank posture. Then raise one knee to your midsection. As the knee extends to the floor, prepare to take your other knee to the mid-section. Repeat the process as long as you like. Mountain climbers are performed at a fast pace, hence go as quick as possible.

7. Burpees

Burpees are an exercise that is certain to assist you to tone your whole body while exercising your upper body, lower body, and core. In this exercise, you stand with your feet apart. When you start, squat down by pushing the hips back and bending the knees. Push your feet back from a squat position so that you land to a plank position. From here you bend down and jump in the air. If you go down, duck again and repeat this process. The exercise is tough but yields great results

In case you are short on time but still need to stay in shape and workout without significantly affecting other parts of your life, now you may do so with these effective exercises.