I recently read a blog post titled “5 post ideas for when you have nothing to say.”  It made me giggle.  I have plenty to say, just no time to say it! 🙂
In the past week, we have had two birthdays (Mallory’s and my mom’s); 2 soccer games, Kyndall’s open house at school, a full week back at work for me, our 8th wedding anniversary, and the girls’ 4-and-6-year check ups with Dr. Hull.  Plus quite a few shirt-printing hours thrown in the mix.  It’s been crazy around here!
The week started out with K’s first soccer game.  I definitely think that girl has found her sport!  She LOVES it and is really good, especially considering this is her first year.

The girls had their yearly check-ups on Wednesday, and are both very healthy.  Kyndall was in the 25th percentile in her age group for her height and weight, and Libby was in the 10th. 
Thursday night was Open House at school.  K got to meet her first grade teacher (again) and see her new classroom.  Can I just say that I cannot believe this girl is already in first grade?  It seems like yesterday that I was taking a million pictures for her KINDERGARTEN open house.  I didn’t get near as many pictures this year.  It’s not as cool to take pictures in first grade.  Here are a few sthat I did get:

Friday morning, Kyndall was invited to join a group of kids from WMES in leading the pledge at our county-wide Institute Day for teachers.  She and 12 other students introduced themselves and then led the pledge in front of almost 500 adults.

And the above crew made the front-page of the paper!
And since I’ve already flooded this post with pictures, here are just a few more from the 2nd soccer game of the week:

And just so Libby is not completely left out of this post, here is what she does during Kyndall’s games:
And that, in a nutshell, is our week.  I can only hope every post from here on out isn’t a weekly catch-up!  Things have got to slow down sometime, right? 🙂