Alarm goes off at 4:45.  I literally roll out of bed, throw on a few clothes, and meet Anna for our morning run.

Baths, ponytails, breakfast, and then we are out the door by 7:15 for school.

My day starts off with some computer “stuff” before I have classes.  I had to make a music CD to use during our morning news broadcast.

We had construction workers adding A/C to our gym and they accidentally cut the wiring, causing the fire alarm to go off.  No one was aware of the cause until AFTER the fire trucks arrived. (This is not a typical day, but you never know what’s going to happen when you work at a school!)

We have been playing outside every afternoon after school, and this was no exception.  Well, the girls were playing with Cohen and Micah while I supervised the hubby finishing his project.

Shrimp and crab legs (courtesy of Publix) were for supper, ice cream for dessert.  These mini cones were purchased by accident, but how cute are they?  PS:  The girls each had an ENTIRE bowl of ice cream, not just these teeny tiny cones.

The girls watched a little tv all snuggled up before bedtime at 8:00.  Then Justin and I played catch-up with Nashville on ABC before ending our day around 10:30.
Come on, share your day with me in the comments 🙂