I Have A Confession and a GIVEAWAY!

I have a confession.  I LOVE planners.  In the past, I’ve been known to purchase several different ones each year.  Small(ish) ones that would fit in my purse, larger ones that I could write everything down in, desk ones that were easy to glance at, magnetic ones for the fridge… you name it, I had a planner for it.  I bought them for the actual year (January-December) AND for the.. Read More

A Day in the Life

Alarm goes off at 4:45.  I literally roll out of bed, throw on a few clothes, and meet Anna for our morning run. Baths, ponytails, breakfast, and then we are out the door by 7:15 for school. My day starts off with some computer “stuff” before I have classes.  I had to make a music CD to use during our morning news broadcast. We had construction workers adding A/C to.. Read More