Years ago, I took the Five Love Languages quiz.  Not surprisingly, my #1 love language was Acts of Service, followed closely by Words of Affirmation.  While these are the ways that I best feel loved, I think they are also the ways that I show love.

Need me to help keep your kids?  Gladly!  Need help setting up for an event you are hosting?  Sure!  Need me to drive you to a doctors appointment?  Of course!  I often stay and clean up after friends’ kids’ birthday parties, because that is my thing.  (Just be sure to affirm me afterwards or I will get my feelings hurt…ha!)

I say that to get to this.  On Sunday at church, our pastor said that, as Christians, it is time to get off our butts (he said bottoms, because he is a pastor) and LOVE OTHERS.   A previous pastor often said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”  I don’t know if it’s because of my love language, but this fired me up, ya’ll.  My faith is not about sitting on a nice, cushioned pew in a nice, cool sanctuary, drinking my coffee while listening to an ensemble and a sermon.  That has it’s place, believe me.  Even as Christians, we need teaching and let’s not suffer if we don’t have to, am I right?  But, personally, I don’t feel called to pack up my family and move to Africa.  I don’t feel called to go all David Platt and sell everything I own for the gospel.  What I do feel called to do is show others that I love them.

Write letters to elderly and/or shut-ins.

Send gift packages to military families.

That mom down the street who can’t keep her daughters’ heads lice-free, because she can’t afford the treatment?  Take her the Nix.  And maybe even volunteer to take some bedding home and wash it for her, because treating five lice-ridden heads is enough to drive anyone insane.

The new family in the neighborhood?  Take them cookies or muffins or even a full meal.

Ditto with the family with the new baby.  Offer to keep older kids for a few hours.

Send a note of appreciation.  Or encouragement.

Speak well of others, not because you have to but because you can.  (This goes along with my Words of Affirmation language–nothing makes me happier than hearing nice words about myself.)

Cook dinner (or order pizza) and invite a family over.

Pay for the person’s meal behind you in the drive through.

Drop a gift off on a doorstep.  Muffins, cookies, chips and salsa.  Leave a note, so they’ll know it’s safe to eat 🙂

Pray for someone, and then let them know.  A simple text message saying “I prayed for you today!” can go a long way.

Contact your local school and see what supplies are needed.  Donate these.

Purchase and deliver items off a needs list for a Children’s Home.  (Or nursing home, children’s hospitals, etc.)

Leave a big tip with a nice note.

Deliver snacks to the local fire and/or police department.

Buy frivolous grocery items and deliver them to a family in need.  (Fruit, pop-tarts, popcorn, cookies, snacks.)

Go to a lower income neighborhood and hand out books (children and adult).  Books can be new or used.

Have more ideas? PLEASE share them in the comments.  The girls and I are making this summer a Summer of Service!