I’ve really enjoyed gathering the random, funny things that are said in my little family into the previous “That’s What She Said” posts.  So I thought I’d do a monthly round up.  Below you’ll find a collection of humorous stories, mostly from Libby, that were recorded during the month of August.

Libby was informing Justin and I that she wants another baby brother.  (Just to clarify–she doesn’t want to replace her baby brother, she wants an additional brother.)  Justin laughed and told her that was not going to happen.  She looks at him, all full of sass, and says “You don’t know.  Life is life.  God makes those decisions.”

Libby got in the car after school one day and told me that a boy in her class was saying ugly things.  I asked what he was saying and she replied:  “He says ‘Libby, Libby guess what!’ and when I say ‘What?’ he says “Deez nuts!”.  While extremely inappropriate for her little second grade self, I couldn’t help but get tickled that these kids are saying this.

In the car, Jayden told us he was getting his hair cut at “La Trega.”  Kyndall said, “AUSTRALIA?  What are they going to do, cut a kangaroo into your hair?”  (This was something right out of her daddy’s playbook.  She definitely has his sense of humor.)

Leaving the doctors office the other day, I was directing the girls on which way to go through the hospital.  I said “To the left.  To the left.” and at the same time, both girls started dancing and singing “Now kick, now kick, now walk it by yourself.”

At the beginning of every year, our school has a Bus Evacuation Drill with students who normally ride in a car.  Apparently, things weren’t explained clearly because Libby stopped our vice principal on the way out to the bus and said, “Coach Stephens, I am NOT jumping out of a moving bus!”

You can find previous “That’s What She Said” posts here:

Conversations with K & L

That’s What She Said, Family Edition

That’s What She Said, Libby Edition