We are counting down the days until move-in day and I am all kinds of crazy. Trying to make last-minute design decisions and plan the move and pre-organize all the things. Before we move, I thought it would be fun to share a current messy house tour with you guys. Because you know I love to keep it real around here.  (And because I loved the idea when I saw it on some of my favorite blogs:  Bower Power and Young House Love.)

We are currently living in the future garage of our forever home. We are crammed into a 2-bedroom, 1-and-a-half bathroom construction zone.

Messy House Tour

This is the view of our living room’s “good side”.  Not great, but not too bad.  A few toys scattered about, a blanket thrown haphazardly over the couch.  But overall, a livable space.Messy House Tour

And then, behind the couch.  This area contains all the tools being used to construct our forever home.  There are also four new toilets in that pile, as well as a 36″ farmhouse sink.  A boxed-up security system, three ceiling fans, two industrial pendant lights.  Oh, and an often-used treadmill (<–insert sarcasm here).

Messy House TourThe kitchen is the one bright spot in our house.  It stays relatively clean, with only a wayward tool or two charging on the counter.  And a cow on the floor.  (This photo was taken right before dinner, which explains the cups and plates and pitcher of tea.)

Messy House Tour

The kids room is surprisingly decent, considering all three of them share one large space.  Since Jase’s bed is never slept in, it has become a haven for extra blankets and stuffed animals and blue jeans.

Messy House Tour

Our bedroom is a disaster zone.  Storage bins, boxes full of can lights, random wall art, dirty husband socks.  Everything finds it’s temporary home here.

Regardless of all this mess, I love our temporary home.  I love that we all congregate in the usable area of the living room and watch Gilmore Girls.  I love that we are living right here in this construction zone, even though I will never get rid of all the sheetrock dust.  And I really love that in less than two months (fingers-crossed) we will be moving into our forever home and transforming this place back to the garage that it was meant to be!