
I’m linking up with Emily P. Freeman today to share what I’ve learned in June.  Every month, bloggers from all over link up to share the interesting and random they have discovered over the last thirty(ish) days.  I’ve always enjoyed reading through these link-ups, but until I discovered bullet journaling, I wasn’t so great at keeping up with the things I’ve learned.  Now, I can and I can’t wait to link-up with Emily and share a few things with you guys!

Here are things I have learned during the month of June:

The iPhone 6 camera has a self-timer feature.

I can read more than one book at a time.  And like it.  I always thought I was monogamous when it came to reading.  Not picking up another book until the first was finished.  Recently, I’ve learned that I can have a non-fiction and a fiction book going at the same time.  I like to read non-fiction in the mornings, when my mind still works, and pick up my fiction before bed.

I really love studying the bible.  Maybe it’s because I’m older, but the old testament–all that historical info and being able to follow God’s handprint–is really interesting to me now.

Facebook makes me anxious.  I want to keep it for the good things and delete it for the bad things.  Every single time I open my app, I switch between loving it and hating it at least a hundred times.

Small-moment living takes work.  I am excited to be on the launch team for Emily’s new book, Simply Tuesday.  The subtitle is:  Small-moment living in a fast-moving world.  I have underlined and circled and written in this book more than almost any other.  Small-moment living is something I want so badly, but y’all, it doesn’t come easy.  I’m learning to actually schedule time in my week to stay home and just BE.

Bullet journaling works well for me.  I didn’t know if it would.  I’ve learned that I really enjoy ‘journaling’ my day.  And just as much, I love going back and reading about my days.

I don’t have to be at the beach, I just need to be with my people.  I used to think I had to have a beach trip every single summer or life just wasn’t right.  (Dramatic, I know.)  But even as fun as this most recent beach trip was, I learned that what I really love most about these vacations is the time spent with my people.  It really has nothing to do with the location.

What about you–what did June teach you?