6:00 a.m.  Everyone up.  Girls and I all jump in the shower to start getting ready.

6:30 a.m.  Breakfast–cocoa puffs for L, mini pancakes for K.

6:45 a.m.  Our morning jam session–that is Footloose we are listening to.  The Blake Shelton version.

7:15 a.m.  The outfits.

 10:20 a.m.  This shirt was seen at school today.  While I really appreciate the idea, I don’t think it’s appropriate for a 2nd grader.

2:30 p.m.  Photo opportunity.  Because we matched.  Because we are cheesy.  And because, as Libby says, we are BBF’s.  (I think she means BFF’s, but maybe she means Best Buds Forever?!?)

3:20 p.m.  Libby is exhausted from her day at school.  This is what I find when I pull into the Target parking lot.

3:35 p.m.  Target trip.  Kyndall is WIRED and Libby is still mad that I woke her up.

3:50 p.m.  Petco.  Purchased a larger collar for Max.  Much better experience than Target.

4:15 p.m.  This picture tells it all.  Notice the orange cones out the window, and the gas hand on the E.

4:20 p.m.  Jamming to Taylor Swift… again.  I mean, I love T. Swift as much as the next girl, but too much is too much already!

4:35 p.m.  Gas prices.  9/12/13

6:20 p.m.  Title 1 meeting at school.  We love this boy (and his brother).  If arranged marriages were acceptable, my girls would be signed off to the Johnson boys already!

7:50 p.m.  Bedtime.  Rain, thunder, and lightening are going on.  Best. sleep. ever.