We went to the lake this weekend.  Justin and I used to go EVERY weekend when we were first dating, but those trips have gotten fewer and farther between in the last few years.  Both girls are complete water rats, so taking them to the lake and/or river is always lots of fun.  They have zero fear.

We started with a little swimming and rope swinging…

And then moved on to the major water sports.  Back in the day, Justin was a pretty skilled wakeboarder.  He could do 360’s, jumps, and raleys.  He and I even used to go together, on the same board.  We have a picture of that somewhere… I’ll have to find it and show you.  We didn’t attempt that this weekend though.  He did help all the kids board….

And then I gave it a shot.  Not too rusty…

Kyndall and Libby both knee-boarded.  I was so impressed with how they just jumped up there.  Once the waves started, they were so light that their boards bounced all over the place, so they couldn’t stay on too long.

And towards the end of the day, we all played around on the inner-tube.

Libby even drove the boat.