2015 is quickly coming to a close and you guys, it’s been so good.  We added a new member to our family.    This little blog got a little bit more traffic.  Tons of other great stuff happened.  So just for kicks, I checked Google Analytics and found my top 10 posts of 2015.

Here they are, in order of most page views to least.

Top71.  Stitch Fix:  A Review.  A post all about my first Stitch Fix and how much I love it.  Also, why I think everyone should treat themselves at least once.

Top82.  A Tribute.  Written in honor of Justin’s grandfather, who passed away in November.

Top33.  The Story of Us.  On our anniversary, I shared the story of how Justin and I met.  It was packed with scanned-in old photos and embarrassing tales.

Top44.  Our Taylor Swift Concert Experience.  We went to a Taylor Swift concert and it was a bit of a disappointment.  Here I give the lowdown as to why it was not fault of Taylor’s.

Top105.  The Big Tree Hiking Fail.  A story about the time we attempted to find the Big Tree and didn’t, but I found the ground instead.

Top56.  Shared Girls’ Room.  When I was pregnant with Jase, we moved the girls in to the same room.  After weeks of discussing what we wanted to do, I shared how we made their shared room work.

Top97.  That’s What She Said, Libby edition.  A list of hilarious anecdotes heard around my house, mostly from Libby.

Top28.  DIY Concrete Tabletop.  A remake of our old patio table, sponsored and inspired by Home Depot.  Also featured on the Home Depot blog.

Top19.  That Time We Took Our Girls on Dates.  Our cure for the “you have a new baby brother and mom and dad are super busy.”  We took both girls on individual dates and devoted 100% of our attention to them.

Top610. This Man. You guys, I have seriously been gifted with the best man.  This post is all about him and the great things he does for us.

And that’s it you guys–this year, on the blog, in a nutshell.  Did you have a favorite post of the year?  Is it on the list or something different?  Tell me in the comments!