Tonight, we checked one thing off our “Summer Manifesto” and are well on our way to checking off another one.  We rode all around the farm and picked blackberries.  Kyndall loved it.  Libby was too hot, and just wanted to ride the 4-wheeler!

K with a hanful of blackberries that she picked all by herself!

L with a handful of blackberries that her daddy and I picked!
L took this surprise picture of K and me adding blueberries to the bucket. Love it!

Blackberry hands

This cute little guy kept trying to help us–he was full of energy and so fun to watch!

 I realized I hadn’t officially posted our Summer Manifesto, so here it is.  A list of things the girls and I want to do for fun this summer.  Sorry for the blurry photo–we typed it together in Word, printed it out, and I snapped a photo with my iphone.