
Kyndall loves soccer.  This is her fourth year to play and it just keeps getting better.  She is fast. She is aggressive.  She plays with passion.  All the things that make a great soccer player.

soccer2015-1She has played with the same coach and most of the same players every year.  These kids know how to play.  They have learned each others rhythms and moves.  They know each others strengths and weaknesses.  They’ve won as a team and they’ve lost as a team.  But this year, they only won.  Undefeated, all season long.


Justin helps coach and I couldn’t be prouder.  He is so calm and patient (even when the ref’s calls are crap and I’m going bananas on the sidelines!)


And this year, all their hard work paid off.  They won medals as champs for the west-side of the county.


And were awarded trophies when they defeated Lacey Spring and became the Morgan County U10 champions.  I am so excited to watch these kids play soccer in high school.  They are going to be exceptional, I already know it.