(I really hope you sang the title to this post instead of just reading it.  Does that song tell my age a little?  If you have no clue what I’m talking about, go here.  But don’t judge me–those WERE high school days.)

This week, Kyndall has been attending a volleyball clinic hosted by the WM Varsity volleyball team. (Now, when I was in high school, volleyball was my THING.  It was my favorite, and I always said I would like to coach one day.  <–Thus, the “Get it from her mama” reference.)

The morning after the first day, Kyndall woke up and was SO sore.  She was stretching her back out and rolling her shoulders–it was too cute.  I know it took a lot of effort for her little self to get the ball over that tall net!

On the last day of the clinic, they played games and invited the parents to come watch.  I was pretty impressed.  For a second grader, my girl was good.  Interesting fact:  the coach at the high school (the one who is in charge of this clinic) was MY coach in high school.

She bumped, she set, she spiked….and even made it over the net a few times.  (Seriously, a lot of the 2nd and even the smaller 3rd graders couldn’t get the ball over the net.)
The best part of all?  She LOVED it.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we’re here for.