I’ve fallen a little behind on my Project Life layouts.  I’ve been working some this week, but instead of staying chronological, I skipped around a little bit to week 21.  I’ll get to weeks 18-20, and 22-24, sometime.  But here is week 21:

Left side:

Right side:

This layout was special to me because it was the weekend of the Alabama Jubilee.  It’s a hot air balloon festival that is held in our area each Memorial Day weekend.  For years, Justin and I “crewed” with a friend from church.  We helped her put up the balloon, followed her and helped take it back down, and even were able to fly several times with her.  Last year, this sweet lady lost her battle with cancer.  It’s so sweet to know that every time I see a hot air balloon, I’ll think of her and all the wonderful memories she gave us!