Today was a craft day at the West house.  The littles painted suncatchers:

And I came VERY close to finishing our Project Disney 2010 album.  Why “Project” Disney, you ask?  Well, my dear blog reader, I’ll tell you.  Becky Higgins is a great, famous person in the world of scrapbooking and she developed the “Project Life” method of scrapbooking.  In a sense, it’s a fancy photo album.  She has designed photo sleeves of various sizes that are intended to speed-up scrapbooking.  A few weeks ago, I purchased 2 of her photo sleeve designs– one has 4 vertical 4×6 with 4 horizontal 3×4 sleeves and the other has 4 horizontal sleeves with 4 vertical 3×4 sleeves.  They are wonderful.  Too bad I didn’t come up with them. 

I had fully intended to share several of my pages with you, but I’m still trying to figure out how to do that.  Every photo I have taken so far has had horrible glare.  And I even had my dear husband holding a towel in different spots to try to remedy this.  I got nothing.  Hopefully, after further research, I can share my Project Disney pages soon!!

In other news, look what came in the mail today:

Not the adorable girl–wouldn’t that be nice?  My new Southern Living! Oh happy day! 🙂 But isn’t that the cutest mail girl you have ever seen?

Tomorrow, our family and the Johnson family are headed up to Nashville to hit the flea market and I am positively giggly.  I hope I find something awesome to bring back…. fingers crossed!

Until tomorrow,