I’ll be back later today with a Halloween post.  But before I get to that, HELLO NOVEMBER! This day begins my most favorite time of year–from now until the end of January.  I just LOVE the holidays (and my birthday is at the end of January, so that is included!) 
This year, I am joining in on Run, Eat, Repeat’s Pile on the Mile’s November challenge.  You can read more about it on her blog, but basically, you set a goal of miles that you want to run….or walk….. or bike, and try to achieve that.  The goal is to pile on the miles, not the pounds 🙂
My goal is 100 miles in November.  I am helping my friend Anna train for the Rocket City Marathon, so I don’t think 100 miles will be unattainable.  (Note:  I am not running the marathon with her, just doing some training runs.  I haven’t talked myself into that distance yet!)
If you’re interested, go over to her blog and sign up.  She’s has some awesome sponsors and is doing some GREAT giveaways!  If you decide to sign up, come back here and let me know!