Monday:  3.5 miles while getting lost in Sycamore Row by John Grisham.  SO good!

Tuesday:  2 miles of hill repeats on the treadmill.

Wednesday:  REST

Thursday:  4.5 miles outside with Anna, in the dark.  (Flashlights and pepper spray were in attendance.)

Friday:  3 mile early morning run.  (I like these the best, once I actually get myself out of bed!)

Saturday: REST

Sunday: 10.5 miles in 23 degrees.  I don’t know about you, but for this Alabama girl, that is C-O-L-D!  PS:  I ran this with a new app called Charity Miles on Team #Wounded Warrior.  Stay tuned for a post on this awesome app!

Total miles this week: 23.5
Total miles this month: 63.6

Don’t forget to head over to Run, Eat, Repeat and see all the other #POTM2013 challenge reports!