Neighborhood basketball 1 neighborhood basketball 2 neighborhood basketball 3 neighborhood basketball 4

The other night, just as the sun was about to lay down for the night, there was a knock at the door.  It was one of the neighborhood kids, wanting to know if Kyndall could come out and shoot some hoops.  I wanted to say no because it was cold and dinnertime and homework needed to be done, but then I remembered that we are moving in two weeks.

There are so many good things about moving, but this is one thing I will miss about being where we are now, in this neighborhood.  (Well, one of two things:  I’ll miss the convenience, too.)  I love the basketball games and the bike riding and the kids in and out and all through the house.  I love when it snows and the girls can walk out the door and have friends to play with.  I love these kids and their smiles and their funny attitudes.

basketball5I love that Kyndall would much rather play basketball with the boys than ride bikes with the girls.  I love that Libby enjoys racing scooters up and down the street in her ‘fancy’ boots with sparkles.

I break up fights and remind them to be careful of the dog poop (I’m looking at you, Max) and if they aren’t nice I can send them back home.

I love that all these kids make themselves completely at home in our home.  They get cheese slices and drinks out of our fridge.  They pull cookies and chips out of the pantry.  They go through the house to the backyard to jump on the trampoline, even if the girls aren’t out there.  And I honestly love it.

Of all the things I love about being in town, these neighborhood basketball games are my favorite.  And they are the one thing I know I will miss when we are enjoying life back on the farm.