As I watch my girls play this afternoon, attempting to sell flowers from this makeshift stand of cardboard boxes, I want so hard to freeze time.  I’d say these years, at 5 and 7, are the best years.  But I’ve said that for every age so far.  (Except maybe the threes–everyone says twos are the worst, but I disagree.) 
I love listening to their conversations.
I love hearing ‘Watch me, Mommy’ and witnessing some grand-to-them accomplishment.
I love bedtime snuggles.  And morning snuggles.  Anytime snuggles, really.
I even love our overcrowded, no room to move, bed when they sneak into it around 1am. (But don’t tell them that.)
It seems like only yesterday I was loving the ages of newborn and 2.  And then 2 and 4.  And how quickly 5 and 7 have snuck up on me! 
Relish every minute of this life, dear readers.  Enjoy each age–even the tough, stubborn, three year one. Jobs and dishes and laundry will wait, but childhood won’t.