This week, children throughout the United States…..ok, maybe just the southern United States…. are learning about Johnny Appleseed.  Both girls dressed up like him at school.  Libby’s class celebrated on Thursday and Kyndall’s celebrated on Friday.

In Kindergarten, there were TONS of apple games.  Libby made this adorable pot hat… 

and this super cute necklace.

They had an “apple smile” snack.  The apple slices are the lips, the marshmallows are the teeth.  Get it?

Apple stamping.  (They also measured their apples with unifix cubes, and did lots of ‘learning’ activities’.  I just happened to document the fun stuff!)

Picture with Mommy.

Kyndall didn’t do as many games as Libby, being in 2nd grade.  They did have a HUGE meal with all apple-foods.  Apple muffins, apple dumplings, apple dip, applesauce, apple juice, apple cider, and apple salad.

They had a visit from Johnny Appleseed himself.

And then sang “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain” just for fun.
And K’s picture with Mommy.