A few weeks ago, we took a trip to Dickson, TN, to help my sister-in law and her family get settled into their new home.  We are so excited to have them closer to us–before the move, they lived a whopping eight hours away.

They had just unloaded all their things from a moving van and we didn’t want to crowd them further, so we reserved a room at the nearby Hampton Inn.  Hampton Inn’s are our absolute favorite places to stay–they are always super nice and have the best continental breakfasts.  Justin adores their mattresses and swears we are going to have one ourselves one day.

Hotel Room Tour Hampton Inn 1

Our room had two queen beds and a fridge.  There was the cutest roll-out ottoman under the table.  This Hampton Inn was a little older, but it was super clean and had been through some renovations.  The beds were made nicely and they even left cute little chocolates on our pillows.

Hotel Room Tour Hampton Inn 2

Jase loved the mattress, too.  He is just like his daddy.  I loved the fact that the beds were white–it just makes everything feel so fresh and relaxing and clean.

Hotel Room Tour Hampton Inn 5

Of course, we had to hit up the indoor pool while we were there.  I even bared my pasty skin and wore my swimsuit so I could get in with Jase.  (Although honestly, he preferred playing with the girls over swimming around with me.)  The pool and pool area were super nice.  There were clean towels on a rack and the water was clean without smelling too strongly of chlorine.  (I hate when you go to an indoor pool and the chlorine is so strong that it makes your eyes water.  Ain’t nobody got time for that!)

Hotel Room Tour Hampton Inn 6

The girls played a Cold/Hot challenge game, where they would go from the pool to the hot tub and back to the pool.  That’s probably not the greatest idea, but they did it.  We live life on the edge, man.

Hotel Room Tour Hampton Inn 3

The beds were the perfect distance apart to play the Bridge Game.  The girls took turns being the bridge and crossing over one another.  Jase even took a turn crawling over each of the girls.  (We can make a game out of any situation, I tell ya.)

I don’t know if it was the awesome mattresses, or the pool time, or the nice room, but I did get an unusually great night’s rest.  Even Jase slept better than normal.  Maybe Justin is on to something with that whole mattress idea…. 🙂

If you have plans to stay in a hotel anytime soon, do yourself a favor and choose a Hampton Inn location.  The Wests give them all the stars.  (This is not a paid advertisement, we just happen to really love Hampton Inn.)

What’s your favorite hotel chain?