FYI: I’m trying hard to find a graphic I love for these posts–these just aren’t it.  If you have a suggestion, hit me up 🙂


Goodreads.  Look me up and be my friend.

This post from the history books of Neon Fresh about Abigail Adams, sort of.  Roo did this whole “Ballers of History” thing a while back, and the one on old Abby is pretty legit.

This.  Because it is just so real.  And so me. (And I’m hoping so you, too.)

This post titled Can A Christian Drink Alcohol.  I’m not sure exactly how I feel about this post, but it sure sparked some controversy on my Facebook timeline.  If you have an opinion, share it with me in the comments.
I try to always see the glass as half full, instead of half empty, but sometimes I need a little help with that.  This post on How To Be An Optimist, by Ann Voskamp, is a keeper.


My girls LOVE the blog, and as soon as they saw a few Friday Links and Loves posts, they wanted in on the action.  I let them each choose one favorite product from the week.

Libby loves Essence XXXL Shine Lipgloss in Just Georgeous. (Of course.)

Kyndall loves I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916.  (This is one of my favorite books too.  Even if you are an adult, it’s an interesting read. )

And now, my loves for the week:

My Roomba.  I CANNOT BELIEVE I WAITED THIS LONG TO SHARE THIS!  With three girls and one massive mutt in the house, my Roomba is a MUST.  It is automatically set to run every morning at 6am, so by the time I’m up and about, my floors are clean.  Stop right now and purchase one.  Then eat Ramon Noodles for a week if you have too, because IT IS WORTH IT.

These patio chairs. {I bought the Target version, in turquoise, but apparently they aren’t available online.  The link is for Amazon, but they are the same price!} I finally decided and purchased four of them.  Next on my list is the Rattan Cool Bar from last week.

These pirate ship and medieval castle cardboard creations are the BOMB! (<–Sorry about that.  Totally showing my age here.) I first heard about these from Roo at NeonFresh, and so I had to do my own Amazon search.  This is amazing.  For only $30ish dollars, your kids can have a huge cardboard playlet that they can COLOR THEMSELVES.

Now you’re turn–what are you loving this week?