FamousAmericans1On Monday night, Libby participated in our school’s second grade program. The title of the program is Famous Americans and characters range from Abraham Lincoln to Mia Hamm to Clara Barton. Libby, obviously,  was the Statue of Liberty.

This program is one of my favorites that our school hosts.  I’m always so impressed with the students’ costumes–they are seriously miniature versions of their Famous American.

Libby had a speaking part at the beginning of the program and at the end.  She did the welcome and the dismissal. I was busy taking pictures during her first part, but I did video her second part.

You guys, she had two very long speaking parts and she recited them like a professional actress.  Honestly, they all did absolutely wonderful. To be this age, and get on stage in front of hundreds of people, is so brave.

Famous Americans

Here we have Martha Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and our very own Statue of Liberty.

In between the speaking parts, the students sang several patriotic songs.  On the program were Glory, Glory, Hallelujah; America the Beautiful; and This Land is My Land.

Kyndall participated in the same play in second grade and her character was Pocahontas.  The characters and script have changed a little bit, but it’s still just as good!

PS: Hats off to the second grade teachers who write the script and listen to all sixteen-hundred practice rounds of this program!