CurrentlyFor the last week and a half, the girls have been delayed or out of school every single day due to inclement weather. For those of us in the south, that means the temperature is below freezing. I know it sounds crazy to those of you who operate in these conditions all winter long, but us southerners just aren’t equipped to deal with the cold/ice/snow. On last Friday alone, our small town fire department was called out to seventeen (yes, seventeen!) wrecks due to ice on the roads. In our defense, we aren’t used to driving on icy roads AND we don’t have the equipment to distribute salt or sand like our northern friends.

IMG_0705We’ve had a lot of hot chocolate and popcorn around here. Because, apparently, that’s what we eat when it’s cold?! We did get lucky with a dusting of snow on Friday, just enough for a small bit of snow cream.



My most favorite moment happened on Monday–as an avid reader myself, it warms my heart that my girls like to read. Even better, they got baby brother in on some Sneetches action. (Speaking of which, we are working on a list of our favorite books to share in celebration of Read Across America week!)

Then, yesterday morning, it happened. BAM!! Kyndall woke up with a tummy ache. She complains of this quite often, so we went to church anyways but when I picked her up from kids’ worship, I knew she was serious this time. (Yea, I’m shining my Mom of the Year award as I type this…) The fever hit around 3:00 and so we’ll be making a trip to the doctor today at 1:00. My money’s on strep throat.  Is anybody else as ready as me for spring to get here already?