My 2017 Bullet Journal and How I’m Making It Work For Me

2017 Bullet Journal

2017 Bullet Journal
I’m a big fan of the bullet journal and have used it, loosely, for the past several years.  My 2017 bullet journal and I are inseparable, though, because I have learned how to make it work for me.

The beauty of a bullet journal is that you can customize it to fit your needs.  One of my goals for this year was to journal more and my 2017 bullet journal is the key to making that happen.  I purchased this Moleskine dotted journal and pulled out my favorite Micron pens.

Before setting up my journal, I made a list of what I wanted to accomplish with this journal.  I knew I wanted the main purpose to be a memory keeper/journal, but I also wanted to use the space as more than that.  My list looked like this:

  • journal
  • “brain dump”; blog notes, to-do lists, etc.
  • book log
  • self-care/health tracker

How I set up my 2017 Bullet Journal:

2017 Bullet JournalEvery bullet journal begins with an index.  I wrote in a page header and then left a few pages to fill in later.

2017 Bullet JournalI followed up with a few pages reserved for a book log:  books that I read in 2017 with a quick 1-5 star rating.

2017 Bullet JournalAfter the book log, I designated four pages for blog “stuff”.  One page to keep up with OAL financial info, one page for OAL branding notes, and two pages for 2017 social media stats.

2017 Bullet JournalWith those yearly trackers out of the way, I am now ready to start January.  The first page of my January journal was a habit tracker.  Another 2017 goal is to improve my self-care.  This includes things like having a quiet time every day, drinking enough water, exercising, and getting adequate rest.  I like the idea of being able to color in the squares as I complete the activity.  I also like being able to have a monthly overview of how this goal is going!

2017 Bullet JournalRight behind the January habit tracker begins my journal pages.  Each day looks a little different.  Some days are journaled in paragraph form, others in bullet form.  Some days have to-do lists stuck in the midst.

2017 Bullet JournalAt the very end of my 2017 bullet journal, on the last two pages, I included a bible reading chart.  I printed this one from Women Living Well and adhered it using double sided tape.  Hopefully this will help me stay on track to read the entire bible this year!

A few tips I’ve discovered along the way:

  1. Keep it simple.  If you search for “Bullet Journal” on Instagram, you’ll find lots of elaborately decorated journals.  They’re gorgeous, of course, but I don’t have time for all that.  (Note:  My first few pages are decorated, but only because I set them up at the end of 2016, when I was on winter break.  Trust me when I say that no other pages in my journal will be pretty!)
  2. Use what works.  Change your system monthly until you get it right.
  3. Make it work for YOU.  In previous years, I’ve attempted to use my bullet journal the way other people used theirs.  I ended up dropping off sometime around March and defeated the whole purpose of my bullet journal.  By recording what I want to record, I’ll have more stick-with-it power.

Do you use a bullet journal?  Do you have any tips to add?

Hello, 2017 + One Little Word

Hello 2017

Hello 2017Hello, 2017! I am so excited to meet you! This is the year we will move into our forever home. (Hopefully, in just two short months!)  This is the year we will host birthday parties for year #2, #9, and #11. There will be highs and lows, dinners out and dinners in, vacations, and surprises. I can’t wait to see what’s in store!

A few 2017 goals:

Start and keep a journal.  I’ve purchased this Moleskine and I plan to use it bullet-journal style, but with more thoughts and memories and less to-do lists.

Make self-care a priority.  Drink water. Eat healthy. Exercise. Rest.  I don’t want to lose weight but I do want to be fit.  I used to be so in love with running and exercising and I would like to get back to that.  To feeling strong and confident in my own skin.

Grow Our Alabama Life. I say this every year and every year my little corner of the internet has gotten a tad bit bigger. After five years, I still really love blogging and I look forward to the opportunities and partnerships that will happen as a result of OAL.

#OneLittleWord 2017:

I usually choose one little word to focus on for the year.  My one little word for 2016 was savor and all I really did was include it in my instagram hashtags–silly, but it did help keep the idea of “savoring” at the forefront of my mind.

My word for 2016 is surrender. Justin and I made the decision several months ago to surrender everything– our lives, our jobs, our house, our family–so that God’s will can be done in our lives.  We have been given so much and we want to use what we have been given to bless others.

Our hope is that our entire year will be wrapped up in that one little word:  surrender.  Thy will be done.  Cheers, 2017!

What about YOU?  Share with me one of YOUR goals or hopes or dreams for 2017!

Merry Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas, friends! Can I just tell you that this is my favorite Santa picture, ever?

I’m taking the rest of the year off to spend time with my family, but I’ll be back in January in full swing.  I have lots to share– 2017 goals, house updates, book lists, DIY projects and more.  Be sure to subscribe (in the right sidebar, if you haven’t already!) so that you’ll never miss a post.


Five Things

It’s been a little while since I’ve shared anything family-related on the blog. Our house has taken center stage for a while now. Hopefully, we are on the downhill slope of that, though. Today, I want to share with you five things that have been happening lately.

ouralabamalife1Jase got his first haircut. He did SO well. He sat in the chair just like a little man. He didn’t move and when she asked him to turn his head or to look down, he would follow her instructions immediately. It was so precious! And he looks so GQ now.


Against my wishes, our elf Messy made her reappearance at our house.

ouralabamalife2An EF3 tornado touched down 5 miles from our house. It destroyed several homes and business, but no one was injured. We were in the shelter when the storm cell went over and I immediately knew that it was more than just a thunderstorm. The air shifted and my ears popped and then the entire house seemed to crack and pop at once.  We were lucky–the only things that fell victim were our trampoline and playset.

ouralabamalife4Basketball season is in full swing.  We are about halfway through and Kyndall has scored 10 points so far and made countless steals.


Libby performed in her first ever school choir concert and rocked it!! You can see a short video of her here.  You guys, performing (singing or dancing) is her thing and I love watching her!

I am attempting at least one fun Christmas “thing” every day during the month of December.  You can follow along with that here.

Let’s chat:  What is one thing YOU have been doing lately?

Halloween 2016 Recap

HalloweenWe celebrated Halloween 2016 a little differently than usual. Our church hosted a Trunk or Treat on the Wednesday night before Halloween. Thank goodness for that, because Kyndall was sick on the actual day of Halloween.

The kids dressed up for our church’s Trunk or Treat as characters from The Descendents: Mal (Malificent’s daughter), Cruella Deville, and a dalmation puppy.

halloween-2016-bOn the actual Halloween day, Kyndall stayed home snuggling on the couch.  {After a trip to the doctor, we found out she had strep throat.  She had more of a trick than a treat this Halloween! Boo for that!} Lib and I took to school as Mal and a pirate.


Libby was able to participate in all sorts of fun Halloween games, like this one where she was dressed as a mummy!



To wrap up our Halloween 2016, we carved pumpkins (I know! Better late than never, thought, right?). Libby and Justin visited my parents church for their Fall Festival while Kyndall, Jase, and I recovered from strep throat.

2016 Christmas Gift Guide

I have a confession. Last Christmas season, I purchased every single gift online. 90% of those gifts came from Amazon. Not only did I save money, but I saved time and effort as well. It’s not easy to load up three kids and go shopping and it’s dang near impossible to get away from said kids to go shopping alone.

Second confession?  I’ve made a big lofty goal to have my Christmas shopping completed before Thanksgiving.  I want to enter the holiday season completely stress-free.

I’ve already started researching and purchasing some gifts online and I thought I would make your Christmas shopping even easier by sharing a few things I’ve already found/purchased. (If you aren’t an Amazon Prime member, this would be a fantastic time to sign up for the 30- day free trial. Two day free shipping is on point.  AND, with Amazon Smile, 0.5% of your purchase can be donated to the charity of your choice.  Win-win!)

Disclaimer:  This post includes affiliate links.  Shopping these links will not result in any extra cost to you, but it will result in a small commission for me.  As always, thank you for your support of OAL.

On my list for this year:


Christmas Gift Guide 2016

Watch Ya’ Mouth, family edition.  |  Pie Face.  |  Family Feud  |  Reverse Charades

For Boys

Christmas Gift Guide 2016

KidTrax Cat Bulldozer  |  Junior Tool Box  |  Board Book  |  Construction Trucks

For Girls

Christmas Gift Guide 2016

Journaling Bible  |  Mermaid Blanket  |  Lighted Bed Canopy  | Book Series

For the Nature-Lover

Christmas Gift Guide 2016

Eagles Nest Outfitters Singlenest Hammock  |  Horse-Head Squirrel Feeder  |  Marshmallow Roasting Sticks  |  Mountain Necklace

For Everyone

Christmas Gift Guide 2016

iRobot vaccuum | Waterproof Wireless Speakers |  LED Touch Bedside Lamp  |  Salt Lamp

For more ideas, check out last year’s post.

I still have a few people left on my list, mostly because they are so stinking hard to buy for.  I would love to hear any gift suggestions you have for mothers, grandmothers, and the like 🙂

Lyon Family Farms Pumpkin Patch 2016

lyon-family-farms-pumpkin-patch-10Every fall, we make a visit to an area pumpkin patch.  We’ve visited every one within a two-hour drive from our home.  This year, we chose Lyon Family Farms in Taft, Tennessee.  We have been there once before and loved it, and this year was no exception.

On Friday afternoon, we checked the girls out early from school and surprised them with our annual pumpkin patch trip.  Our first stop was the petting zoo, complete with pig races.


That baby calf is just the cutest cow I’ve ever seen.  (And as a lover of all things cow, that’s saying a lot!)  The kids had the best time feeding the animals and the animals had the best time eating Libby!

From the petting zoo, we tried out all the attractions.  There was an awesome kid-sized zipline…


several massive slides that went super fast….


blow up slides that were soft and bouncy….


giant hamster wheels…..


and a corn crib.


We rounded out our pumpkin patch trip with a hayride to the actual pumpkin patch, where everyone chose a pumpkin to take home.


Selfies with a family of 5 are a struggle, for real.

lyon-farms-pumpkin-patch-4 lyon-farms-pumpkin-patch-3 lyon-farms-pumpkin-patch-2 lyon-farms-pumpkin-patch-1

If you are within driving distance of Taft, Tennessee, I definitely recommend Lyon Family Farms.  Their rates are cheaper through the week and the crowds are smaller, so if you can squeeze a Monday-Friday visit in, I’d recommend that, too!

Forever Home Friday Update

Forever HomeWe have been moving along quite well with our forever home.  I thought sharing a short update would be a great way to keep you informed of all the little things that have been happening–the things that don’t quite deserve a full blog post.

In my last home post, I told you that all our framing was completed (with the exception of the doors and that one sad window at the top we had to re-order!).

Since then, a few things have happened. We have a real roof, with actual shingles. Because the shingles on the current part of the house are 10 years old, we decided to put new shingles on that part too so that everything would match.  (Sidenote:  When the roofers installed the new shingles on the current part of our home, they had to take our satellite down.  I don’t watch much tv, but I do record three shows {This is Us, Blacklist, and Blindspot} and watch them after the kids go to bed.  I have missed two of the three this week and am so sad!)

Our front and side doors are installed and have two coats of paint on them. Hopefully, we will install our back French doors, finish the painting process, and install knobs this weekend so that we can get the place locked up.

As I am writing this post, the plumber is roughing everything in and the brick are being delivered.  The brick mason and our HVAC guy are coming next week, and my favorite workers (i.e. Justin and my dad!) will start installing the siding.

I know everyone says this, but I feel like the framing process went sooooo very fast and now everything has slowed down.  It’s even slower since we are doing so much of the work ourselves.  I had to remind myself this week that I really am loving this process and I don’t want to rush it–not too much anyways!

Happening Lately

From the looks of my recent posts, it’s been all house, all the time.  And while this is very close to the truth, we have been doing other real-life things.  I figured it was high-time for a ‘from the camera roll’ post in which I share some of the recent happenings in our lives, straight from my iPhone camera roll.  Let’s do this.

lately-1New glasses.  Jase’s old glasses were super scratched after only a few months of wearing them.  We had his prescription checked again and ordered new ones, this time with transitional lenses.  Not only can he see better without all those scratches, but the shades look pretty cool when we go outside!

lately-5Scripture Writing.  We are slowly covering each and every board and doorpost in our forever home with biblical wisdom and promises.

lately-3Reading:  Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist.  Just what I needed during this season of hustle in my life.

lately-4And because I can’t completely leave house-related things out of this post, this picture.  Every morning Jase runs to the window to see what the builders are doing.  It makes my heart happy that the kids are just as excited (ok, almost just as excited!) as we are about the new house.

lately-2Lest you think a librarian’s job is all reading, all day.  This cart is full of books to be re-shelved after only 30 minutes of open checkout.  {3-0 minutes!} I don’t know about every other school, but kids at our school are readers.  I love it, but it sure keeps me busy!

lately-7I shared with you before my sweet Libby’s Vice-Presidential election story, but she was recently inducted.  She had to give yet another small speech and was honored with a Student Council pin and an official certificate.

lately-6Jase despises having his teeth brushed.  He already has several pre-cavities, so we can’t be lax about this.  Some mornings I have to literally hold him down to brush his teeth.  Other mornings, he wants to brush K’s teeth while she brushes his.  This option is definitely easier and little mama brushes his teeth just as good as I do (if not better!).

{Disclaimer:  Some links appearing in this post are affiliate links.  Purchasing items from these links provides a few extra pennies to help run Our Alabama Life at no extra cost to you.  As always, I appreciate your support!}


Soccer Season 2016, Recap

soccer-season-2016aMy girls are as different as night and day.  While Libby is a dancing diva, Kyndall is a baller.  She is extremely athletic, and basketball and soccer are her sports of choice.  (She loves volleyball, too, but at our school she can’t play volleyball until the 7th grade!)

The 2016 soccer season has ended and we have a short 2-week break before basketball gears up.


We finished this 12U soccer season with 6 wins and 4 losses.  Kyndall went in the record book with one point scored and too many assists to count.  She ran a combined total of 27 miles per game and stole the ball 6,498 times from our opponents.

soccer-season-2016bWe had a tough loss to end our 2016 season, but we won’t let that rough ending spoil the awesome middle.  (We actually finished the season under protest, because the high school girls who were refereeing our final tournament game made some gross errors concerning the rules that heavily influenced the game score!) Regardless, win or lose, my girl loves playing the game.

And now, on to basketball!! (Her first practice is actually tomorrow, so there is really no break in between these sports!)