A few cool photos……

How awesome are these photos?  Would you like to know what they were taken with?  AN IPHONE…. yep, you heard me right.  An iphone.  Taken underwater. With this case: A LifeProof case.  They run about $80 and are made for underwater (and everything else for that matter!).  This will most definitely be the next case I purchase for my phone!!

Barn Light Electric

Ever heard of Barn Light Electric? They are a light company that has tons of super cute lights, and right now they are having a contest for bloggers. They are giving away a $1000 gift certificate to a lucky winner.  Second place gets $500 and third place gets $250.  I never win anything, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to share a few of their lights.  You know, while I’m.. Read More


On Sunday, we went with a few of our favorite people to see the new movie, Brave.  It was super cute and had a great moral lesson–Don’t be disrespecting your mama!! 🙂 These kids are so great at taking pictures–I guess they are somewhat used to it 🙂 Then, Sunday night, we started a new class at church for girls, grades K-4.  It’s titled Girls of Grace, and we kicked.. Read More

A friendly little wager

After another fun-filled day at the pool, soaking up the sun, the girls and I came home to sort money.  Justin has this gallon sized jug that he drops his change into each day, and lately, it’s overflowing.  So we divided all the money out until it looked like this: And then we all made bets on how much all that change would add up to be.  The predictions go something.. Read More