Six years ago today, our world was completely changed in the best possible way.  We became parents for the first time.  On August 1, 2006,  we went to the hospital to get ready to meet Kyndall Malynn.  The plan was to induce at 7 am, so Doctor Loncar asked me to check in to the hospital the night before.  I don’t think I slept a single minute that entire night!  I didn’t know what to expect–would it be easy?  Would it be awful?  Would every minute of the delivery experience really disappear when I saw her little face?  Would I be a good mom?  Would I know what to do when she cried?  Would I be able to nurse?  To put it mildly, I was a wreck.

The nurse came in a little before 7am and began the induction process.  I was given fluids, the drip to start labor, and then my epidural.  My labor was an absolute breeze.  I remember looking at the computer screen and thinking “Oh, that was a bad contraction!”  Overall, I progressed much faster than expected for a first time mom.  I remember the nurse telling Justin to call my mom, who wasn’t there yet, to let her know I was almost ready to push.  Of course, my mom panicked, thinking she was about to miss the whole thing.  She and my dad made it to the hospital just in time to say “hi” before being ushered back out again. 

It took a little while for me to figure out the whole “pushing” process.  Again with the TMI (that means ‘too much information’, Meme), but I remember Justin saying “There’s her head!!! There it goes.  There’s her head!!  There it goes.”   Over and over again.  But then, finally, she was there.  She cried.  I cried.  Justin cried.  I looked at her sweet little face and yes, any discomfort that I had felt became worth it.  She was my little miracle. 

We had so many friends and family come to visit and I remember thinking “She is mine! Leave me alone so that I can adore her!” (To those friends and family who are reading this who were at the hospital, I completely appreciate your presence now.  I was just being a little selfish then!)  I kept looking at her sweet face and thinking how great God was (and is!).  I wouldn’t let the nurses take her, even at night, because I couldn’t stand to be away from her.  I mean, this little bundle of joy had been ALL mine for 9 whole months.  I wasn’t ready to share her!  (And to be honest, I still don’t like to share either of my girls….but that’s another story for another day!)

Introducing Kyndall Malynn West, 6 pounds, 15 ounces, born at 10:20 a.m. on August 2, 2006.

We love you Kyndall! Happy 6th birthday!