1. It’s one thing to write a blog post. It’s a whole other thing to know people actually read said blog post. I tend to operate under the impression that no one reads what I write, so it always surprises and excites me to find out people sometimes do.
  2. I’ve purchased Rosetta Stone to help me learn Spanish.  This has been a bucket list goal of mine for several years now and I decided to take charge. I’ve heard lots of things about Rosetta Stone–both good and bad. Fingers crossed it works and I’m bi-lingual before we know it. 
  3. I love plate wall displays. I think they are totally Southern and absolutely gorgeous. My Pinterest boards are full of them, but I especially love this one from The Nester.
  4. My soul was not made for hustle. I don’t do well when our schedule is crammed with activities. Which is funny, because I have a very high-strung personality. This time of year always makes me stressed, but I’m working on a manifesto to keep me sane. Stay tuned for more on this subject.
  5. It makes my heart super-duper happy when readers comment on my little piece of the Internet. When a notification of a new blog comment pops up, it just makes my whole entire day. (I’m aware this puts me in nerd status, but that’s ok. I’ve actually been there for years!)

Make my heart happy–share with me one random thing about you!

PS: To my email followers, I love you. So sorry about the little glitch yesterday. You know, the half-finished blog post that was sent to you. Oops.