These are a FEW of my FAVORITE things….

Last night, I hosted my 2nd annual Favorite Things Party.  I look forward to this ALL year!  Our guest of honor was Carrie–we are celebrating her 2nd Cancer-Free anniversary!  YAY for kicking cancer’s butt! The rules are simple:  pick one favorite item, $5 price range.  Bring 5 of that same item to the party, unwrapped.  During the party, we explain why the item is our favorite and then draw 5.. Read More

Training Plan for the Callaway Gardens Half

I’m mixing things up a little for the Callaway Gardens half.  I’ve tried different plans for several weeks, and none work just right for me.  So I took my five favorites and combined them to make my own.  That’s professional, right?  I took into consideration the number of miles I wanted to run each week leading up to the marathon, as well as the number of days that I could.. Read More