Monday Musings

We had such fun celebrating Father’s Day yesterday with the family.  Here are a few pictures from our fun day: And today, we took part in a local movie theater’s free movie day:  Kung Fu Panda 2.  A free movie and lunch at Rosie’s Mexican Cantina with friends?  A perfect start to our week! That sure looks like a lot of kids for 5 mommies to handle, huh? 🙂

Happy Father’s Day!

We are in no shortage of awesome men around here.  My girls and I are so very blessed to be surrounded by Godly men who influence, inspire, and lead us.  As I watched the girls today playing with their daddy, fishing with their Papaw (and great-Papaw), making ice cream with Pops, and swimming with Papa, I that God that we have these men in our lives.  So many do not. .. Read More