Oakley’s Spa Day

About once a year, I take Oakley for a “spa day.”  I call it that because if I say that awful ‘g’ word (you know….”groomer”), he runs and hides under the bed and will not come out.  So on his annual spa day, Oakley gets his hair washed, cut, and styled (with a bow that he despises);  his nails trimmed;  his teeth cleaned;  and something I will not talk about.. Read More

Rodeo Street Dance

This is what we do for fun on the Thursday night before a big rodeo. The county blocks off the street and we have an old-fashioned ho-down. OK, it’s not quite as redneck as that. They do block off the street and one of the local bands played while everyone danced. There were some country line dances going on, as well as a little of the cha-cha slide. The girls.. Read More