The Weekend Story at ouralabamalife.comFriday night, Libby hosted a sleepover with two of her friends. (I’m not a big fan of sleepovers, but she had been begging for this for MONTHS and I finally caved.)

Libby tends to set the bar extremely high for these types of things. She builds them up so much in her mind. I kid you not, she planned this sleepover out by-the-minute. At the grocery store, she wanted ALL THE THINGS–cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, hot chocolate, chips and dip, popcorn, cokes. (I made her choose two from that list, by the way. She went with hot chocolate and popcorn.)

The sleepover went really well. GraGra and Mal came over to do nails and makeup. Temporary tattoos were applied. The girls ate popcorn and drank hot chocolate while watching the premiere of Teen Beach Movie 2. The first girl didn’t go to sleep until 3 am, with the others falling soon after that. I don’t know about you, but I call that “Sleepover Success.”

The kids and I spent Saturday morning catching up on sleep and cleaning up from the sleepover. Justin went kayaking with some guys from church and made it home just in time for me to leave the kids with him and meet some ladies from church for a Starbucks planning meeting. (If you are in the area, we are hosting a women’s conference on July 18. Doors open at 5:30 and it’s going to be amazing. Emily Fox, co-founder of the Forget the Frock movement, will be speaking. There will be snacks and shopping and so much fun you won’t know what to do with yourself. The cost is $5 and you can sign up here.)

Saturday evening we had plans for a Ladies Night In with some friends from church, but Libby wound up with an earache we think is swimmers ear. (Surprisingly, neither of my girls has ever had swimmers ear before, so I can’t be certain that’s what it is just yet.) After some ear drops and Tylenol, she felt better so all five of us snuggled up and watched Overcome on Amazon Prime.

On Sunday, we hit up the new Texas Roadhouse for lunch after church. It was quite tasty and my food ended up being free, so that’s always a plus. (My plate was a few minutes later getting to the table than the other plates, so the manager gave it to me for free. That’s just good customer service, right there.)

After lunch, we went swimming at Meme’s and then Kyndall and Justin did a little fishing while Libby, Jase, and I did some back patio swinging and conversating with Pops and Gra-Gra. (I know ‘conversating’ isn’t a real word, but it should be!)

I finished a few chapters in Simply Tuesday and I can’t wait to tell you guys all about it. It is speaking to my soul in such a deep way. I am really reading through it slowly, savoring the words Emily has written. This book has been such a gift to me, especially lately as I’m trying so hard to slow down and enjoy the now.

What did you do this weekend?