Big Hearted.  Lipstick Lover.  Diva.  Performer.  Six years ago today, at 12:47 p.m., Libby Brooke joined our family.  You can find her birth story here.

A few things about Libby:

  • She is super tender-hearted.  One stern look from her dad or I and she breaks down.
  • She still gets in the bed with us every single night.
  • Her favorite foods are steak, shrimp, and pancakes.
  • She loves being read to, but not reading by herself.
  • She has a heart for other people–this summer she purchased supplies for the local children’s home.
  • For her birthday, she wanted us to go the the “spa.”  We had manicures and pedicures.
An interview with Libby, on her sixth birthday.

What is your name?  Libby Brooke West

What is your favorite color?  Green and Pink.

What is your favorite song?  10,000 Reasons

What do you want to be when you grow up?  A singer.

What makes you happy?  My family.

What makes you feel most loved?  When I’m with my Mommy.**

What are you afraid of?  Heights.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?  A unicorn.

What makes you mad?  When Max bites my butt.

What is something that is really hard for you to do?  Put my lipstick on.

What is something that is really easy for you to do?  Ride my bike.

**Brownie points awarded for this answer.