Tomboy.  Animal lover.  Camouflage wearer.  At 10:20 a.m., eight years ago, Kyndall came into the world and made us parents for the first time.  You can find her birth story here.

A few things about Kyndall:

  • She is super smart.  She often surprises me with the things she knows or can do.
  • She is stubborn.
  • She excels at sports.
  • She loves being outside, either playing sports or doing something with animals.  She is constantly catching frogs and lizards and bringing them to me.
  • Great sense of humor.
  • Very good at entertaining herself-either by drawing, creating something, or reading.
  • For her birthday, she chose to go indoor rock climbing with a few of her favorite people.
An interview with Kyndall, on her eighth birthday:

What is your name?  Kyndall Malynn West

What is your favorite color?  Green.

What is your favorite song?  Ho! Hey!

What do you want to be when you grow up?  A veterinarian or a zoologist.

What makes you happy?  Max.

What makes you feel most loved?  My family.

What are you afraid of?  Monsters!

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?  Three more wishes.

What makes you mad?  When people laugh at me.

What is something that is really hard for you to do?  Score a goal in soccer.

What is something that is really easy for you to do?  Rock climbing.

What is ONE thing you want us to know about you?  I love animals and soccer.