
If you’ve read this blog for long, you know that I am a major list-maker.  I have to be intentional with things or I let life get away from me.  Sharing some of these lists on the ol’ blog helps keep me more accountable than just writing my monthly goals down in my calendar.  Plus, I like to pretend that you are interested in all these little details of my life 🙂

To begin, lets look back at my goals for March:

  1. Daily bible study.  Check! Still working through Luke.  I’ve found myself digging in a lot more than I thought I would.  For each chapter, I’ve read all the commentary notes.  I’ve checked all the cross-references.  I’ve googled things.  It’s a whole new way of bible study for me, and I’m loving it!
  2. Complete the remaining book pages and submit for publication.  Yearbook, complete.  Now we just play the waiting game until it gets here and try not to stress about how it will turn out.
  3. Dinners at the table at least three nights a week.  The dinners at home happened, but not dinners at the table.  I’ve got to be more intentional about this.  We just naturally congregate around the bar in our kitchen (near the TV).
  4. Do yoga every day, even if it’s only for 15 minutes.  Yea, this didn’t even begin to happen.  It’ll go back on the list for April.
  5. Clean out and organize my closet.  So I jumped into this project about three weeks ago and pulled everything (yes, everything) out of my closet into our bedroom.  And then I stopped.  I did end up putting the clothes I would keep back in my closet, but that’s it.  You can hardly walk in our bedroom right now and I’m not quite sure when that is going to get better.
  6. Switch out the girls seasonal clothes.  Done!  I’m not sure why I do this–I always keep their clothes for the next year, and they almost never still fit.  Of two entire tubs of clothes, I ended up keeping about ten items.  All for Libby.
  7. No eating out until Spring Break.  Check!  We have done SO well these past few months eating at home and not eating out.  It’s a huge money saver.

And now for April.

  1. Keep up daily bible study.  Hopefully finish Luke and move on to another book 🙂
  2. Dinners at the table at least three nights a week.  I go back to work on April 20 (sob!), so it’s important to me to establish these family routines.
  3. Do yoga for 15 minutes a day.
  4. FINISH my closet.  I know me, and I won’t be able to return to work with my bedroom in the state that it’s in.  This is a must-do before the 20th.  (I’m going to be stressed enough leaving Baby J, I’ve GOT to remove all the other stressors!)
  5. Read 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction book.  I’m a voracious reader, but I’ve slacked on reading books lately.  I’ve gotten in the habit of reading blogs and magazines and getting lost in Instagram.  Fun for me, not so great for my brain.
  6. Patio Table upgrade with concrete.  (More on this to come!)
  7. Flowerbeds and planters.  Spring has SPRUNG and I’m so ready for bright flowers everywhere!

Whew! That was a lot! What about you–whats your main goal for April?