30 Thoughts from 30 Years  www.ouralabamalife.comLast week, I turned the big 3-0.  It’s funny how the closer you get to a certain age, the younger that age seems.  I never really thought 30 was old, but I do remember thinking turning 3o would be big.  Monumental, even.  And while it was definitely anti-climatic, it was perfect.  I spent the day with my sweet 2 week old baby boy and 2 bed-ridden, flu-infested (but still sweet) girls.  I had bacon ranch quesadillas from Chili’s (my favorite!) for supper.  The evening was spent relaxing with my little family of 5 and after the girls went to bed, Justin and I shared some great “old” stories.

I’ve learned a lot in 30 years, and I thought I’d share some of those things with you.  In no certain order, 30 thoughts from 30 years…

  1. Family is the most important thing.  Family doesn’t mean just relatives (or even all of them), but a few super close friends as well.
  2. Marriage is hard, but worth it.
  3. Sometimes you will love your husband because you do and sometimes you will love him because you have to.
  4. Eat the candy bar, drink the Mt. Dew, have that milkshake–just don’t do all three every single day.  Everything is ok, in moderation.
  5. Write.  Lists, memories, stories, journals–whatever it may be, put it on paper.  Or computer.
  6. Don’t compare.  Comparison truly is the thief of joy.
  7. Take care of yourself.  As a mother, it’s easy to let myself go.  If I don’t take care of myself first, I can’t take care of my family.  For me, this means getting plenty of rest as much rest as possible, drinking lots of water, and exercising when I can.
  8. Spend more time making my people happy.  Spend less time worrying about everyone else.
  9. Go outside.  Fresh air and sunshine makes everything better.
  10. Take the trip.  The greatest experiences I’ve had have been while traveling.
  11. It’s ok to ask for help.
  12. If you aren’t making mistakes, you aren’t trying hard enough.
  13. Take up for your kids when they are right, but don’t be oblivious when they are wrong.
  14. Reading makes you smarter.  Books, magazines, newspapers, blogs.
  15. Happiness doesn’t just happen–it’s a daily choice.  Sometimes a minute-by-minute choice.
  16. Bible study and prayer are essential.
  17. Always have a dream, goal, or task you are working towards.
  18. Be present.  Quantity of time doesn’t matter if that time lacks quality.
  19. Have at least one hobby you love.  Bonus points if you have more than one.
  20. Wear mismatched socks.  Having it all together is just boring.
  21. Believe that people are good.  If they prove otherwise, deal with it then.
  22. When in doubt, laugh it out.
  23. The bigger the earrings, the closer to God.  Or something like that.
  24. Never wake a sleeping baby.
  25. Sing, even if you don’t sound good.  It makes your heart happy.
  26. One day your house will be clean and organized.  Today is not that day.
  27. If you wait until your ready–to have a baby, buy a new house, start a new venture–you’ll wait for the rest of your life.
  28. Be wise with your money, but not tight.  An emergency fund is important, but you have to live life, too.
  29. When you say you are praying for someone, do it.  Stop right then and whisper a prayer to God.
  30. Let it go.  The stress, the anger, the resentment–all that junk that weighs you down.  Just let-it-go!

Thoughts? Insight?  Wisdom to share?  Leave a comment!