Canine Introductions

We have quite a few animal friends on our farm, but our dogs are the most loveable.  Introducing, in no special order:

Spot–the sweet, calm stray who wandered our way about a year ago and chose to stay for good.

Oakley–our baby before we had babies.  He’s going on 8 years of age and is the only one lucky enough to get to come inside the house.

Bailey–one of our two extremely energetic lab mixes that Justin’s parents got the girls for Christmas. 

Bama–Bailey’s other half.  He got a little too close to Taco, our miniature donkey, and now sports a crooked jaw.

Maybe I’ll get around to introducing a few of the other animals that call our farm home, but for now….that’s all folks.

There’s something about a creek

We all ventured down to our creek this evening for a little exploring. We ended up with some awesome snapshots.

She was hoping to catch something really cool in her net!

This enormous guy gave us a little scare…I’m sure we gave him one too.  He was resting so peacefully on the bottom of the creek until I almost stepped on him, thinking he was a rock!

The plate of my Summer is just too full.

The summer countdown is on!! There are only 4 and 1/2 days of school left–I could not be more ready for this break! (Insert loud screaming and crazy dancing here).  That said, with the coming of summer, I always feel excited about my to-do list and I always make it too long.  You know, like this is the summer that I am finally going to catch up on a combined total of 5 years of scrapbooking.  And organize our entire house.  And do crazy fun, exciting, memory-making things with my girls at least once a week.  Plus, we already have several trips planned–twice to the beach and once for a little weekend trip over to Atlanta.  On top of all that, this summer, we are hopefully going to be getting ready to build a house. 

I say this because, as exciting as summer is, I tend to place too many tasks on my plate of summer.  And I usually look back at the start of the school year and think “Wow, where did my summer go?  I didn’t accomplish anything!”  So my question is, how to fix this situation?  Do I set aside one day a week to spend at home, getting things accomplished?  More than one?  Spend my first entire week checking off my to-do list?  Design a Sheldon-like (any Big Bang Theory fans?) weekly schedule:  you know, Monday’s are to-do list days, Tuesdays are pool days, Wednesdays are fun-things-for-the-girls days, etc.   Just kidding, that weekly schedule would never work for me.  I’m too fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants to follow a schedule. 

I think I will just post my Summer to-do list right on the fridge so that I will be reminded of it often.  That should help…. I’ll go work on that right now.  Don’t worry, I’ll keep you updated!  Wish me luck =)

Happy Graduation Party!!

Not only is my big girl graduating from Kindergarten, she was picked up in a big ‘ol limosine this afternoon from school!  That’s right.  At 5 years old.  How cool is that?  One of her sweet friend’s mom rented the limo, a cake, and put up a huge blow-up bouncy slide for them to have!  And yes, in a group of princes she was the only princess, but she loved every minute!

Fantastic Nashville Getaway

In addition to my amazing spa day, the hubby surprised me with a surprise trip to Nashville this weekend.  We went with Mike and Carrie and it was both relaxing and entertaining.  We got to be husbands and wives for a while without having to be moms and dads, which all good parents need every now and then.  We left late Thursday night and spent all day Friday shopping at the outlets.  I made a new, exciting COACH purchase…..

You know you love it =)

….and we walked around downtown Nashville Friday night, listening to some awesome bands.  Fantastic!


I was going through my computer earlier, cleaning out files and organizing photos, and I came across a document I had saved when I thought I was going to start a blog.  It was almost a year ago, but I couldn’t bear to delete it, so I’m posting it here.  It is complete randomness, set back in August, right before K started Kindergarten.  I think it was supposed to be two seperate posts, but I’m just copying and pasting here:

So our day started with a trip to the doctor for the girls’ annual check-ups.  Did you know that 5 year olds have to get 3 shots?  3? K was so pitiful!! She begged pretty please, but that mean ol’ nurse just kept sticking my poor baby.  Other than that, the check-ups were good—I have two healthy girls.  As soon as we left the doc’s office, we headed straight to the Johnson’s pool, where K’s best friend Harrison could take care of her.  Within seconds of being there (after sharing her horror story of course), she had forgotten all about those awful things! And when we got in the car, K asked if she could tell me something.  Wanna know what she told me? I’ll tell you what she told me.  It went something like this:

Kyndall:Harrison asked me to be his girlfriend.

Mama:  And what did you tell him?

Kyndall: Yes.

Mama:  Well that’s good.  As long as you two are sweet to each other, I guess you can be boyfriend and girlfriend.  (What I wanted to say: YOU CAN’T TELL HIM YES YOU ARE ONLY FIVE YEARS OLD!)

Last night, Heather, from Create Portraiture, came to the house to take pictures.  She posed the girls with the June and Taco (the miniature pony and donkey) and the big horses, and some with just the grasses in the background.  I can’t wait to see the final proofs cause that girl is amazing I tell you! She showed me a few on her camera as she was taking them and I was speechless—I’m going to have to dig deep into my savings for this one!

I love the sounds of a good storm as much as anybody, but when you are woken up by that loudmouth thunder at 2 am and that thunder keeps on rolling until around 9 am, things aren’t so great.  And this was the loudest thunder I have ever heard.  Seriously.  It rattled the windows and doors on my house and just about gave Oakley a heart attack.  God bless him, he might as well have been glued to my feet.

My plan for the day, if I can get myself going after being up since 2 am, is to go to school and work in my new place.  Now see, I’m not exactly sure how other areas of employment work, but I have to think that the school system just has a weird and wacky hiring system.  In normal careers, you interview with a boss and then he/she decides if you are the person they need.  If so, you receive a call in a day or so congratulating you on your new employment.  Not so in the school system.  You interview, the principal decides who he wants for the position, he then passes this recommendation on to the school board, who then have to vote on it at the next planned meeting before you can be employed.  So in other words, although I have known that I was being “recommended” for this new position for a good month or more now, I am still, as of today, not officially in that new position.  And I won’t be until after the board meeting on August 11.  So I’m going to school to work on sheer faith that I am going to get the position.  Noble of me you might say.  Not so much.  If I were to wait until after August 11 to go work, I would have to spend my entire weekend working at the school to have everything ready when kids come on the 15th.  Not my idea of a fun back-to-school weekend.

So I am bravely venturing out, in the midst of the storms that are still rolling through, to do a little work at my new place.  I’ll update later on what I get accomplished, but for now, wish me luck!

A few updates.  The first post is pretty self-explanatory.  Harrison is still one of Kyndall’s very best friends.  The pictures from Create did turn out amazing, but are still sitting on my desk waiting to be framed.  Just keepin’ it real for ya. 

Also, the mysterious position that I talked about in the second post was the library position.  I did get it, by the way, but you already know that if you read my blog.  And I love it.  Very much.  The end.

Surprise Spa Day!

SPA DAY!!! On Friday, my sweet hubby surprised me with a trip to the spa with one of my bestest friends, Carrie.  We had a facial wax (ouch), a relaxing lunch, a makeup application session, and a spa pedicure and manicure.  It was wonderful.  Not only is Carrie one of my nearest and dearest friends, she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  After two major surgeries, she is now cancer free but still has a long road ahead of her for reconstruction.  So for her, our spa day was very much needed! 

Friday night was also the Relay for Life event for our town, so we left the spa and drove straight to the event so that we could celebrate sweet Carrie’s battle (in which cancer was a big, fat loser).  It was heartwarming to see all the survivors at the event and the great turnout of people who are dedicated to finding a cure for cancers of all kinds.  The best part?  The lantern release.  Think Tangled.  Relay teams sold paper lanters in memory and in honor of cancer patients.  At 9:00 p.m., in the midst of an area blackout, 150 paper lanters were lit and released among utter silence.  This picture doesn’t quite do the event justice, but here is my last-minute, grab the phone snap, photo:

150 lanterns lit to celebrate the strength of those diagnosed with this terrible disease and to honor the battles that are fought daily.

ABC’s, 123’s, and lots of Kleenex for Mommy!

My big girl graduated from Kindergarten tonight.  It was bittersweet.  I have been so amazed at the things she has learned over the past 180 days.  Being a K teacher for 4 years, I’ve seen how quickly children mature at this age, but seeing it firsthand with my little girl has been a different story! 

In addition to the graduation, the Kindergarten put on a year-in-review play that was truly amazing.  Below are a few quick snapshots.

The amigos

The march into the program

My sweet girls

Receiving her diploma

Having my one of my bestest friends for her Kindergarten teacher = priceless

Gullion Farms Field Trip

Even though we live on a farm, we took a little trip to another one with K’s class at school.  The field trip was to Gullion Farms and the kids were able to do all kinds of exciting things.  If you are ever in our neck of the woods, I especially recommend visiting this place.

K loving on the bunnies





This goat loved the way K tasted–it followed her around wanting to lick her!



Milking a cow for the first time ever.


Yes, milking a cow.  Also for the first time ever.


Love my big girl!



Gathering eggs from the hen house.


Look what we caught!




The best of friends!

For the Love of FaceTime

Thank goodness for the advances in technology.  I consider myself very tech-savvy and use technology consistently thoughout my day, but my VERY favorite right now is FaceTime.  The girls absolutely love getting to see Aunt Kristi, who lives 9 hours away, while they talk to her.  And it’s just precious watching them sit and look at her, and her dogs, and anything else she chooses to show them.  Neatest technology app ever.