How To: A Raised Vegetable Garden

Since we’ve moved away from the farm, we had to get a little more creative with our gardening.  I guess we could have just tilled up some land in our backyard and planted a little garden as always, but that wouldn’t have been nearly as pretty 🙂  I somehow convinced Justin that it would be SO much better for us to have a raised bed, and that our plants would.. Read More

Clean Eating, Take Two

With all the traveling we’ve been doing lately, my clean eating train has been derailed.  I’ve done pretty well through the week, it’s the weekends (when we are traveling) that get me!  Eating clean on the road is TOUGH!! We fully intend to stay home the next few weeks, so I’m jumping back on the clean eating train.  I’m even going to ATTEMPT to take out that pesky daily Dr… Read More

The Wests Go Clean (Eating, That Is)

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to our eating habits lately.  As a family, we survive on junk:  Cheetos, Lunchables, soft drinks (not so much the girls, but definitely me and J)….you get the picture.  I’ve been attempting small changes in our diet (Deceptively Delicious brownies with spinach, green smoothies).  We are working toward a clean(er) lifestyle.  I am never one to go cold turkey on ANYTHING, so I’m.. Read More