Confession:  I like a clean kitchen.  If my kitchen is clean and my sink is empty, I feel like I really have it all together.

Confession:  I sometimes empty the dishwasher of clean dishes just enough to be able to fit the dirty dishes from the sink.

Confession:  I have two pair of the exact same kind of jeans.  (American Eagle, skinny, if you’re wondering!)

Confession:  I wear these jeans WAY too many times in between washings.

Confession:  I would LOVE to be an author, but I probably won’t be.  I am a great lover of words, but not a good writer of words.  I enjoy nothing more than getting lost in a story.  You might think this would be complimentary to writing a good story, but I’ve found that it doesn’t work that way.

I can dream up all sorts of scenes and story lines and fill several pages with the tellings, but that’s as far as it goes.  And as hard as I try, I cannot string those scenes together to make a complete story.
Thankfully, I had the smarts to make my 30 Before 30 Bucket List item say “Write a book.  Or part of a book.”  Technically, I can cross this one out because I have written more than my fair share of “parts of a book”.  I hope one day I can knit these parts together into a story that begs to be read.

Confession: I throw important things in the trash ALL.THE.TIME.  I have thrown away the new credit cards that came in the mail, too many need-to-be-paid bills to count, a brand new pair of shoes, and so, so much more.  This is probably my #1 flaw, if you ask my husband.

Confession:  I have not ran in more than a month.  That is the longest stretch without running since I revived my love affair with running post-high school.

Seriously, how many ‘wears’ do your jeans get in between washings?