Hey there, dear readers! Long time, no see 🙂  This summer has just completely gotten away from me.  I’m back today with a link-up (that I skipped out on last month–sorry bloggy friends!).  If you’ve forgotten, The Daily Dime is a ‘day-in-the-life’ post published once a month.  Today’s post photos are documenting Monday, August 14, 2017 (which just happens to be our 13th anniversary!)

6:15am | Quiet Time.  I have been trying my hardest to get up extra early (5:15!) so that I can make time for bible study in the mornings.  Right now, I’m going through the She Reads Truth David study and I am loving it.


10:30am | Book Fair Prep.

11:15am | Flower delivery.  Today marks thirteen years that I have been married to my awesome husband and he surprised me with a bouquet of my favorite color (yellow).

3:45pm | Dirty toddler feet and Of Mess and Moxie.  I was on Jen’s book launch team, so I received her new book a few weeks before the actual release date.  I was a horrible launch team member, though, and didn’t read all of the book.  I picked it up a few days ago and am laughing my way though the remainder of it.

4:30pm | Farm chores.  28 chickens + 3 goats + 1 sheep + 1 dog = all the feed 🙂

5:15pm | Dinner Time.  Roast and edamame and apparently, waffles. 🙂

6:30pm | Soccer practice.  Last year of youth league soccer.